Wednesday, July 31, 2019

From marketing to image, to branding Essay

Introduction My presentation is based on branding as a business tool for marketing. The presentation will provide the concept of brand based on the strategies, importance, and influence of branding and to the consumers and towards the end provide a case study of McDonald’s Company for the case study of branding. Firstly, Hill (2002, p. 79) defined brand as a symbol or a name that businesses use in order to identify their products and use them to separate from the competitors. He further argues that brand development forms a foundational piece of the business marketing communication industries cannot do without. Reasonably, speaking, there are numerous brand types that may either represent a corporate or personal brand. We must note that in the current globalization and technology driven world, branding has become increasingly significant than over the previous decades. My research on business branding features the collection of science and psychology to form a premise mark as opposed to a trademark. The brands of the business convey the information of credibility, uniform quality, and experience of the business. Brands have life cycles, valuable and outlive the products. Today, numerous companies invest the value of the business in their brand and it has appeared in their balance sheet. The world has become online and numerous markets are growing across nations that have seen the consumers use brands in their purchases. The importance of brands is, therefore; Assisting in the identification of the business. The business that uses branding can clearly be seen, quickly identify and sought after-products. Branding allows time and energy saving through practicality through loyalty and identical purchasing. The customer is guaranteed of finding the same quality irrespective of time and place of buying the product Branding provides common self-image that is presentable to others It allows for satisfaction brought through intimacy and familiarity with the brand that the consumers have using for years. Branding provides ethical standards in business due to satisfaction linked to the responsible brand behavior in its societal relationships. Branding Strategy This refers that firms mix and match the name of their brand and the products they offer. The degree of synergy between the product brand and the corporate brand depends on the architecture of the brand (Hill 2002, p. 124). I found the following brand strategies as identified by scholars; Corporate and individual branding House of brand and brand house, including sub-brands and endorsed brands Weak endorsement, no endorsement, strong endorsement, and medium endorsement. Delineated three types of brand strategy, continuum monolithic strategy, branded strategy, and endorsed brand strategy. Endorsement brand strategy, token endorsement, and weak endorsement. Influence of Branding to Consumers and Business The legally protected brands are significantly important in the modern marketing. Branding has several influences on the business and the customers. Firstly, branding brings psychological effect that affect the consumers by urging them to choose a specific product over the other based on perception rather than hard facts. I read from the work of Hill (2002, p. 143) that indicated that brands can automatically activate the goals of purchase in individuals without conscious or awareness intent. Likewise, Hill (2002, p. 143) further writes that brands offer promise of performance by the business by assuring the customers of the quality, safety, and other ethical obligations of the product. Further, it is indicated that the socio-culturally based brands present the role of brands through research. Brand satisfaction is a good reason for a customer to choose a specific product over the other. Case Study of McDonald’s Branding Success The case study I used was a well-known industry across the globe. With the globalization era, currently; it is easier for brands to show their presence globally in various cultures. Reading from Hill (2002), business operation in a foreign cultural atmosphere comes with changes in the strategies of the business, advertising, functioning and branding campaign. A case study of the McDonald’s different marketing strategies can best exemplify the global marketing strategy. The company originated in the U.S. in 1940 as a street restaurant and currently serves in 199 countries across the globe. According to Kulkarni, Lassar, Sridhar and Venkitachalam (2009, p. 12) the company’s brand is supported by a highly successful brand campaigns.   In each of all the branding campaigns of the McDonald’s Company, it has prioritized on social values of the target audience that has made functioning as a resilient possible. The comparison of the branding campaign in two completely economically and culturally diverse countries, India and Australia, shows the company’s effective resilience. My investigations reveal that the company ventured in India in 1996 and in Australia in 1971, but there exists a considerable gap in chronology. It is understood that the company adopted the dissimilar marketing strategies using similar brand values that were quality, service, cleanliness and value (QSC & V). Using this strategy, the company excelled in both the markets in a way that the societies never thought that it was an American brand. The reasons for brand success of the case study company were, perhaps, numerous (Encyclopedia of global brands 2013, p. 677). However, excellent market research tops the list. The ever-growing process of market research has assisted the marketers to analyze the environment of marketing and define the marketing strategies and product-market fit. Through market research, Light, Kiddon, Till, Heckler, Mathews, Wacker, Brunner, Emery and Hall, (2012, p. 67), writes the company realized the obligation to involve in the local culture. Social marketing, according to McDonald’s (2013, p. 221) assisted the company develop the socially accepted product and satisfies the customer needs better than that of the competitors. Currently, the company runs 780 outlets in Australia and 300 outlets in India. Therefore, the best achievement of the company is through its branding that successfully transformed itself into the local image and fulfilled the brand promises. The people believed in QSC & V that was fulfilled and the TV campaigns often focused on customer relationships. References Encyclopedia of Global Brands. (2013). vol. 2, K-Z,  Ã‚   2nd edn, St. James Press, pp. 675-680 Hill, C. W. L. (2002). International business competing in the global marketplace. New York, McGraw-Hill Irwin. KonecÃŒÅ'Nik Ruzzier, M., & Ruzzier, M. (2007). From marketing to image, to branding. IV Seminari Internacional D’InnovacioÃŒ  I Turisme â€Å"Turisme & Branding: La Clau Per Al Desenvolupament TuriÃŒ stic†, Palma De Mallorca, 26, 27 I 28 Setembre 2007. Kulkarni, S, Lassar W, Sridhar C & Venkitachalam A. (2009). McDonald‟s OngoingMarketing Challenges and Social Perception in India‟, Online Journal of International  Case Analysis, vol. 1, Issue 2, last viewed 23 Sept 2013,  11. Light, L., Kiddon, J., Till, B., Heckler, D., Mathews, R., Wacker, W., Brunner, R., Emery, S., & Hall, R. (2012). Branding strategies for success. [Upper Saddle River, NJ], FT Press.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Paper on the Movie “Crash” Essay

The movie crash is a combination of many different things including labeling theory. Crash is not just a movie about car crashes, but also of cultures and values. There are several intertwined lives and personal relationships with a common point of prejudice involving ethnic issues. The narrative is circular, as the film’s message about racial discrimination develops as a snowball, the director Paul Haggis shows us how prejudice is the most central issue. The political crime that is shown on the film gives the audience an understanding of how betrayed a civilian can be by the law enforcers. Racist ideologies are perpetuated through discourse, actions and even of misunderstanding. It is possible to understand the interconnected nature of each core characters and how a certain attitude interferes with a subsequent event among others. The racial profiling is also seen extremely harshly. Being in the 21st century these things are overlooked, but there are still many people who classify people because of their race and what they look like. The characters in Crash are shown in their humanity attitudes sometimes negligible, sometimes admirable. The film is far from a Manichaeism to address the issue that no human being is totally good or totally bad by nature. The cop played by Matt Dillon takes contrasting positions – its portrayed both in times of abuse of his position of authority, to take advantage of Christine (Thandie Newton), as in heroics, saving the same girl in a traffic accident. People who condemn the prejudice facing black people can be absolutely phobic about the Arabs or Latinos. Behaviors are variable according to the circumstances and, therefore, can not judge a person independent of them. The different ethnicities also portray minority groups which are barely hanging on by a thread in society, we see this mainly in the Arab family. People with certain ethical values succumb before a higher offer, a personal benefit exactly like status inconsistency. Detective Graham Waters (Don Cheadle) is adamant in his ideals, but when given the opportunity to save his brother delinquent, he gives up his own principles and â€Å"sells itself† in favor of a family gain. That was a perfect example of people’s status changing consistently. Crash deals with ethnic prejudice analyzing multiple variables and deepening both motivations as consequences. The discrimination against any racial group, is present deep within every character in the movie. The nurse Shaniqua Johnson, black, shows anger on receiving the trespasses officer Ryan (Matt Dillon), but on another occasion directs all his hatred of a particular group of immigrants. Even those who at first appears to be incorruptible, as Officer Hansen (Ryan Phillippe), being disgusted by the racist behavior explicit companion Ryan, in the end, ends up having a prejudice outlook. His values may not have changed but his vision of morality changes because of the people he has been surrounded with. Rationally, condemns discrimination of fellow, but when the situation is outside the limits of rationality and asks for a quick response, intuitive, Hansen suspects the black who gives a ride and, a movement that seems suspicious, you know that is under threat and shoots. Even those who fight and seems strongly supported by human values, can not escape an ingrained prejudice, supported by education in a racist society. How could it be, Crash also addresses the role of the media through the character of Cameron (Terrence Howard), director of television. Cameron is forced to redo a scene where a black actor spoke without slang characteristics and therefore fled to their stereotype. By repeating the scene, also repeated a pattern of behavior expected for a black. Cameron, who holds a certain power to work in a vehicle of communication is cut off the possibility of spreading a change in society or at least not condoning what he considers to be wrong. Even when a black occupies a prominent position and has the possibility to intervene, larger forces interfere with his freedom of action and he finds himself with his hands tied. Overall it was a great film to watch. I was completely surprised by how explicit it was and how it showed even in the first 8 minutes of the movie how race and ethnicity sort of control everything. People who don’t want to discriminate are in fact prejudice and surprised by the fact that they are. The characters in the movie change and evolve, which was good to see because it means that with time less and less people can be discriminating, it just all depends on how they are raised and their beliefs; nature vs nurture debate has all of this taken into consideration.

Free philosophy Essay

In philosophy, the â€Å"self† is used to refer to the ultimate locus of personal identity, the agent and the knower involved in each person’s actions and cognitions. The notion of the self has traditionally raised several philosophical questions. First, there are questions about the nature and very existence of the self. Is the self a material or immaterial thing? Is the self even a real thing or rather a merely nominal object? Second, is the self the object of a peculiar form of introspective knowledge, and if so, what does this tell about its ultimate nature? Third, what is the relation between the nature of the self and the linguistic phenomena of self-reference, such as the use of the first-person pronoun ‘I’? In this course, we will investigate these and related questions with a special focus on the issue of the unity of the self. In the first half of the course, particular attention will be devoted to recent works on the relation between the nature of the self, the unity of agency and the process of self-constitution by authors such as Korsgaard, Velleman, Dennett†¦ In the second half of the course, we will discuss some of the peculiar features of self-knowledge and consider whether the idea of self-constitution can shed light on them. The self does not really exist as something truly real because: it is not available to introspection (Hume); it is not a thing (Existentialists); it is a soluble fish in a sea of general meanings or representations (postmodernists); and/or it cannot be found in the brain or its activity (neurophilosophers). There are many other lines of attack but these examples are sufficient to illustrate what is wrong with these autocides: they are looking for the wrong kind of entity or in the wrong place or both.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Analysis of Homeland Security Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Analysis of Homeland Security - Assignment Example Although security experts agree that the two are the greatest security threats to the country’s homeland security, opinion is still divided as to which of the two poses the greatest security threat to the United States homeland security. However, after conducting a thorough analysis of the operations of the Americanization of terrorist groups and the home has grown terrorists over the past few years, it goes without doubt that the current greatest threat to the U.S homeland security is the home has grown/lone wolf terrorist groups. Firstly, the events that have happened in the recent past shows that the terrorist has changed their tactics to from plotting a large-scale attack on the homegrown or lone wolf attack. With the growth of the internet, homegrown extremists and sympathizers of the so-called American enemies are increasingly becoming radicalized via the internet (Olsson, 2014; Gartenstein-Ross and Grossman, 2009). Some even travel to different countries where they are trained and come back to carry out attacks on their own without any assistance. For instance, investigations have unearthed that the two brothers who carried the Boston Bomb attacks were radicalized through the internet by the Islamist propaganda. These were American citizens who had no any affiliation with the terror groups such as the Al-Qaeda (Zennie, 2014; Herrmann, 2014). The Boston Marathon attack clearly demonstrates that the biggest threat to the U.S. homeland security is the homegrown/lone wolf terror groups and not the Americanization of terror groups as some experts conjecture. The Boston Marathon resulted in the death of three people and left about 264 others wounded after detonating two grenades.  To make matters worse, ISIS has increased propaganda campaign on the social media, which has seen a huge number of Westerners move to Iraq and Syria to support them in the fight (CNN, 2014).   

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Hypothyroidism and dna Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Hypothyroidism and dna - Research Paper Example According to Lavin (2009), hypothyroidism can be termed as thyroid hormone deficiency whereby the thyroid hormone levels in the body have no effects on the body tissues as required. He notes that thyroid hormones deficiency has numerous negative impacts on the overall functioning of the body tissues (Lavin, 2009). How does hypothyroidism affect DNA? It affects DNA by interfering with the usage of the messages carried by the DNA and DNA transcription. By binding to the receptors found on the nucleus of each cell, DNA transcription is affected. Hence, hypothyroidism leads to low levels of transcription of DNA. It reduces DNA synthesis (Thurlbeck & Churg, 1995). The cause of hypothyroidism could be injury to the thyroid gland. An illness such as Hashimoto’s thyroiditis can cause it. It leads to the production of antibodies that destroy the thyroid gland. Such illness is regarded to as an autoimmune disease. If the pituitary gland is destroyed or is not functioning properly, then thyroid hormone production is reduced. Some medications like lithium cause hypothyroidism. (Harvard Health Publications; White, & Garber, 2010). Genetics is can be used to explain how DNA mutation and alteration cause hypothyroidism. When there are DNA changes in various genes, then this can cause congenital hypothyroidism. The number of chromosomes also leads to hypothyroidism (Valente, Hosford-Dunn, & Roeser, 2008). DNA and hypothyroidisim have an intricate relationship. Ptaff (2002) asserts that relations of thyroid hormone with the proteins that bind Deoxyribonucleic acid is the main means through which thyroid hormone controls transcription of thyroid hormone-responsive genes (Ptaff, 2002). In hypothyroidism, DNA methyltransferase activity is regulated more while that of histone acetylases is regulated less (Acton, 2012). The thyroid –stimulating hormone ÃŽ ² gene defect has been found in various families with hypothyroidism. The defect in the

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Case study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 6

Case study - Essay Example The main attraction that is established for the Harrahs customer relationship strategy is presenting the customer a combination of all facilities at the same place (Watson and Volonino). These can be lavish hotels, shopping malls, and attractions such as massive dancing water shows and a replica of the Eiffel Tower. Here the Harrahs customer relationship strategy is established by seeing and understanding relationships with their customers. They believed that strong customer service relationships are built on customer knowledge. This is done through gathering each and every aspect of customer behaviors in the form of the marketing data and information. This whole structure provides for the effective implementation and execution of Harrahs customer relationship strategy (Watson and Volonino). â€Å"In closed loop marketing, data can simply be transferred between marketing and sales, and clients can be examined through the suspect-to-sale range† (Anderson). In implementing closed loop marketing a customer or player is selected that is already known to the Harrahs business (Watson and Volonino). In this campaign a special offer according to customer behavior and playing position is offered. In this offer a special message is sent. This involves the presentation of some hotel stays, special visits, special playing offers and credit. The decision of offer is presented according to the past visits of client to the Harrahs casino. The overall pervious data regarding customer playing is recorded and decision is made on the basis of that data if he requires some offer. For example a player has lost his pervious five games and now he is really dissipated with the Harrahs casino. His all record will be analyzed, like his lost money, main playing behaviors and additional det ails. After that a special offer that offers him one night stay in luxurious hotel, $30 credit or and additional offer. This will attract

Friday, July 26, 2019

The Implication of Legalization or Reduction of Punishment Severity Essay

The Implication of Legalization or Reduction of Punishment Severity for Drug Use and Drug-Related Offenses - Essay Example rmined researcher among those presenting estimates, Herbert Kleber, basically claimed that â€Å"if cocaine were legally available, as alcohol and nicotine are now, the number of cocaine abusers would probably rise to a point somewhere between the number of users of the other two agents, perhaps 20 to 25 million† (MacCoun & Reuter, 2001, 72). This study analyzes and reveals what is known about the effect of harsh prison sentences or the aggressive enforcement levels of drug prohibitions in contemporary America. This study makes two arguments. It is possible that harsh drug penalties could be significantly lessened without substantially escalating use and reoffending but also that legalization could result in considerable escalations in use and reoffending. The two arguments are not conflicting, nor is this study attempting to take up a guarded ‘neutral’ position. Significantly reduced user authorizations may have qualitatively diverse impacts than modifications in the legal position of drug production and sales. To a lot of people, it may appear apparent that reduction of harsh prison sentences or penalties would increase drug use and reoffending. But MacCoun (1993 as cited in MacCoun & Reuter, 2001) claimed that this may not be the case. Similar to the premises of this study, the article enumerated seven different processes by which drug penalties influence drug use and reoffending and analyzed the existing empirical and theoretical literature on each process. Most of these processes put off drug use and reoffending, but hardly any seem to really support it; they are among the numerous accidental outcomes of harsh drug penalties (MacCoun & Reuter, 2001). MacCoun (1993) asserted that lack of knowledge regarding the enormity of each these outcomes- in particular at the legal-illegal threshold—prevented any certain inferences about whether legalization would affect drug use and reoffending, much less the scale of any escalation. But from 1993 thereon, a

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Motivating Learners from Low-Income Households Case Study - 1

Motivating Learners from Low-Income Households - Case Study Example An empirical approach has been suggested by the research cited on attribution, self-concept, and praise and questioning. At the close of our session, I would give a prescription for the thing to do so as to improve the condition in the classroom. I would recommend for the teacher always developing an anticipatory set so as to cause the students to keep focused. Telling the students the objectives and the purpose of the lesson too would be a recommendable thing to do. The teacher ought to input knowledge, whatsoever, into the pupils. It is also advisable for the teacher to be a role model for the learners and show them what is supposed to be mastered. Another strategy that would work for the teacher is seeking to understand the learner’s side. Providing a guided practice of skill is a motivating activity to integrate with the classroom situation (Wiles & Bondi, 2004). The teacher should as well allow for independent practice by the learners. When dealing with the teacher situat ion, I would research widely on the ability of a teacher to demonstrate to utilize appropriate classroom management with a focus on discipline. The research reveals that there is a direct and negative association between poverty and academic performance. Poverty is a chief factor underwriting poor academic performance by learners. Revelation from studies shows that most students from low socioeconomic background fare poorly in academics at school. This is caused by substantially little parental involvement especially that of mothers. Consequently, there is insufficient nurturing, time spent with children is less, and warm emotions are very rare. These factors cause depression, low self-esteem, sense of powerlessness, and an inability to cope up with various situations that are the behavior and personalities that a teacher ought to shape for the better. Exceptions to these appalling conditions are, however, existent.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Racing, Finance and Sponsorship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Racing, Finance and Sponsorship - Essay Example The main aim of the new design is to create a more user-friendly, light and agile vehicle. By way of innovative solutions and technological up gradation the formula students aim to rank among the Top 5 at the event and emerge as the top team in UK at the car racing program. The team management works towards maintaining high standards for the vehicle and develop technical prowess of the members and create environmental awareness. However the success of the efforts is based on the support that it is able to garner from the corporate, as University assistance is not sufficient to take care of the funding associated with the design and development of the car. Sponsorship strategy Brunel Racing team comprises mechanical engineering and motorsport students. The designing work is entrusted to the third year students. Ever since the team was established in the year 1999 it has participated in a range of Formula Student competitions across worldwide locations, which includes the famous Hocken heim and Silverstone Grand Prix circuits (Brunel University West London-a, n.d.). For more than a decade the University team has participated in this event. Going by the rise in the number of Universities participating in the program the event is now eagerly awaited. The amount of media exposure at such events is also high. In the last year’s event there was extensive media coverage of the event. Many small and large businesses lend their support to the event and their number is continually growing.   These businesses get the opportunity to reach out to the masses by sponsoring the events. Their logos or corporate names are advertised on the race route and along the street leading to the event venue. Besides helping them in raising the bottom-line of the business they are able to forge an alliance with the University members. By reaching out to the University students these companies also get the chance to fulfil their corporate social responsibility. So the sponsorship eve nt enhances the market image of the companies and also helps them in establishing a philanthropic image in the society. Sponsorship is generally viewed as a ‘business relationship’ forged between a beneficiary and a sponsor i.e. there is always a commercial angle to it. However by granting funds for the university car racing the company will be able to draw dual benefits. Firstly, it will create more awareness about the products and services offered by the company. This will get reflected in the form of rising sales figures. Secondly, the company will be able to fulfil its responsibility of a socially responsible entity. Past research has brought forth the â€Å"consumer effects of sponsorship†. It has been seen that the investment offered by the sponsor in any sports activity creates a good-will among the event attendees. This is said to influence their behaviour and attitude towards the brand. There are three levels at which the sponsor is able to generate good -will. First is the ‘generic level’ that relates to the feelings of the consumers at the engagement of the sponsors in an activity; second is the ‘category level’ that relates with a particular audience say sports or art and third is at individual activity level’

Characteristics of Business Leadership Research Paper - 1

Characteristics of Business Leadership - Research Paper Example Indeed, in the fast transforming business dynamics, they provide businesses with inimitable competitive advantage and become intrinsic part of its success. Kouzes, and Posner claim that leaders are visionary and who can inspire others (1988). The Body Shop is scintillating example of such leadership initiative which has constantly set standard for businesses across globe. Ms Anita Roddick had founded the company in 1976 and had displayed excellent leadership traits. The paper would be discussing The Body Shop and Roddick’s leadership traits that had promoted high standard of ethics and quality within the organization. Business initiative The Body Shop, started in 1976 from home by Anita Roddick, was a passionate venture that was focused on the wider welfare of women. The Body Shop cosmetics were launched with a strong entrepreneurial instinct that natural ingredients would be most beneficial for taking care of body and remain beautiful. The first shop at Brighton, UK, was open ed with only 15 products. She received tremendous response that resulted in the opening of second shop within the next 10 months. Thereafter, the popularity of cosmetics made from natural products had unprecedented success. Within a span of 25 years and under her able leadership, it was transformed into multi million project with more than 1980 outlets across 50 nations serving more than 77 million customers and generating revenue of more than $200 million. After takeover by L’Real in 2006, it now has more than 2500 products in more than 60 markets globally. It produces a wide range of body care products from natural ingredients and caters to people from all strata of society (, 2012). The Body Shop is fundamentally based on the premise of social consciousness and belief that profits are not the major goals of business. The business must be proactive towards the needs of the community and environment (Porter & Kramer, 2006). All the products of Body Shop are ethic ally produced. It supports environment conservation. Natural ingredients within the products are procured from people and places who have adopted sustainable business practice. Most importantly, Roddick’s strong sense of community welfare had led her to create employment opportunities for people in under developed and developing countries like South East Asia, Africa, Brazil, Mexico etc. (Roddick, 1991). Indeed, its major suppliers of the raw products are from these countries who have evolved as a result of Roddick’s proactive support for sustainable business practices. Leadership style Anita Roddick’s leadership style was transformational and relied on motivating others towards a more conscientious and ethically delivered business goals. Burn (1978) emphasizes that transformational leadership encourages relationship building that is based on mutual respect and empowered decision making. Under such leaders, the followers are motivated to developed leadership tra its and use critical thinking for resolving conflicts. Most pertinently, the leaders also propose moral and ethical considerations that hugely benefit the business as well as the society at large. Transformational leaders promote participatory approach which facilitates shared goals and collective decision making processes. Roddick’s leadership traits have significantly contributed towards Body Shop’s success. She has not only been a successful and intuitive business person but also a social activist. She has relentlessly worked for the wider welfare of people and promoted sustainable development as integral part of business strategy. Evaluation of Roddick’s managerial leadership Roddick’s managerial leadership was highly intuitive and distinct in its personal inputs. She strongly believed in ethics and moral

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Green Field Enterprise Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Green Field Enterprise - Research Proposal Example The business would be aimed to incur profitability through the delivery of exceptional quality cuisines and specialty food and value creation for the customers in the United Kingdom market. The restaurants of Fortuna will appeal to customers of various demographics and would be a fine dining restaurant choice for both family and business purposes. The menu of Fortuna restaurants would be inspired from a range of various cuisines from all across the world. The personnel planning, management structure, marketing mix, operations management and financial forecasts are used to understand the feasibility and profitability of the Fortuna restaurant chains. The Fortuna chain of restaurants will be opened up with the aim of providing differentiated gourmet cuisines to all the generations of customers in the market of United Kingdom. The restaurant business would provide a wide variety of meals and dishes and would try to cater tom a wide variety of clientele. Fortuna restaurants would be characterized by a cosy and upscale atmosphere, a premium ambience, superior facilities, excellent customer services and a wide variety of cuisine specialties to create an overall exceptional fine dining experience for both the family and business customers in the market. The chain of restaurants would be established to operate as a main player in the food and hospitality sector of United Kingdom. The place would be suitable for quiet dining, business meetings as well as for celebrating special occasions and would thus be suitable for a variety of services for the customers (Kutratko, 2008, p.215). Fortuna will be established with the aim to create a great place for fine dining combined with excellent quality and wide variety of cuisines and an excellent dining atmosphere. The mission of Fortuna chain of restaurants is to become the restaurant preferred by a wide range of customers varying from

Monday, July 22, 2019

The Aim of Creating Suspense and An Unsettled Atmosphere Essay Example for Free

The Aim of Creating Suspense and An Unsettled Atmosphere Essay Macbeth is thought to be one of Shakespeares greatest tragedies due to the unique and dramatic plot. Act one, scene 3 is an important scene as it shows the transition between Macbeths two personalities from valiant and noble to ambitious: one of the plays mains themes. The three witches feature in this scene; this is why it is important to create an unsettled atmosphere with the use of stage techniques. Speech techniques are also used, prose is spoken by lesser important characters. Whilst other types of speech are used to show the attributes of the main characters, such as And the very ports they blow, all the quarters that they know. The use of rhyming couplets with the witches suggests an incantation and gives the impression of supernatural or sub-human beings. During this scene the witches prophesize Macbeths future, telling him, Hail thee thane of Cawdor, Hail thee who shalt be King hereafter. This creates suspense and introduces eth audience to the plot and main themes associated with the play. Additional suspense is created by the actors behaviour on stage and the use of lighting and scenery. William Shakespeare wrote Macbeth to flatter King James I between 1603 and 1607. King James I was a profound witch hunter and was considered an expert in witches and the supernatural. In the Jacobean era people were very frightened of witches: they were indeed thought to be not like the thinhabitants oth earth. Macbeth would have been performed at the Globe Theatre, because it is an open theatre it would have to be performed in daylight; this meant language and acting would have to be used to create suspense. Modern theatres would use special effects and lighting creating an unsettled atmosphere. During the reign of James I people were scared of witches and genuinely believed in a sieve Ill thither sail. Modern audiences know witches dont exist, but they are willing to suspend their disbelief. In Act one, scene three the three witches prophesize to Macbeth that he will become Thane of Cawdor and King hereafter. Macbeth and Banquo are amazed at this information, Macbeth is already thinking about murder: whose murder yet is but fantastical. Rosse and Angus tell Macbeth that he is Thane of Cawdor thus proving the first part of the witches prophecy right. This is a dark scene, it maybe early morning suggested by so foul and fair a day I have not seen, to suggest this stage would be backlit in dim blue. The lack of light increases the tension. Little scenery would be used this allows eth actors to move more freely and this means that the movement of the witches could be synchronised showing they are one. The dark light makes the audience focus on the subject, flashing white lights suggests thunder and lightning, sound effects could be used to create a thunder clap, and this is a prophetic fallacy, reflecting the evil of the witches. To suggest the blasted heath wind sound effects will be used. The effects help the audience suspend their disbelief in order to communicate with the play. The witches would be lit with red, because Banquo exclaims, What, can the devil speak true. Red is associated with the devil and could link the witches with the paranormal, thus creating suspense and fright with the association of evil. The witches play a key role in act one, scene three. During this scene they reveal their supernatural links using rhyming couplets and talk of sailing in a sieve: but in a sieve Ill thither sail. To develop the theme of being inhuman, they could chant in a monotonous tone. During the scene, the witches act as one, they are intimate with each other and often speak consecutively. The line The weird sisters hand in hand, suggests that they are close to show this their proxemics and orientation will suggest intimacy. The faces of the witches should be white to reflect the red spot light this shows the link between the witches and the devil. They should wear black cloaks and move about in swooping motions to suggest them being bird-like. Macbeth says Into the air, and what seemed corporal Melted as breathe into the wind; the witches should fly off stage to suggest melting into the air. When the witches speak, there should be no distinct accent, but they should speak softly and flowingly. The witches use rhyming couplets such as Ill drain him dry as hay, Sleep shall neither night nor day, to suggest an incantation, in conjunction with this the soft flowing speech should enable the audience to detach from reality and create a distinct boundary between the human characters and the inhuman witches. The witches act together in my stylised interpretation of the script. When they prophesize about Macbeth they speak consecutively, All hail Macbeth! Hail thee thane of Glamis . All hail Macbeth! Hail thee, Thane of Cawdor. All hail that shalt be King hereafter. This shows how the witches interact with each other, to stage their relationship they should laugh or cackle together, as if eth prophecy is a joke. Macbeth and Banquo had been fighting in a battle, so they would be tired and haggard from this, he also may be injured, for this reason Macbeth should walk on with his arm around Banquo supporting himself to show the injuries and to show immediately they are both close friends. They would also be slow looking up enquiring about the weather, so foul and foul a day i have not seen. As they enter the lights should turn blue as the red lights would create a false image of Macbeth and Banquo. Because they come from a battle in which Macbeth has showed himself to be like valours minion, they would be wearing blood stained armour which reflects both his nobility but also his blood thirst which is revealed in the latter part play. They will be talking very informally, showing they are close friends. To emphasise Macbeths change in personality when he finds out about the prophecy, whose murder is yet fantastical, the lights should turn red again. This creates contrast and adds the suspense. Through this scene there is tension between the witches, Banquo and Macbeth. Banquo and Macbeth dont know who or what the witches are: what are these, For this reason Macbeth and Banquo would be stood together away from the witches, to suggest they are frightened, they should have their hands holding the hilt of their swords. Their bloody language should subtly show the audience they are unnerved by this. Their shoulders should be hunched, their eyes open wide and looking around tentatively. When the witches reveal the prophecy it is a dramatic in the play, Banquos line That he seems rapt withal, suggests that Macbeth is motionless because of this dramatic news. To really articulate and dramatize this moment, flashing strobe lights could be used in conjunction with thunder sound effects. This relates to the scene setting: Thunder. Enter three witches. The thunder is a metaphor for the evil of the witches. To show Macbeths shock at the prophecy, a spotlight should concentrate the light on Macbeths face. This will direct the audiences attention to his facial expression. The actor playing Macbeth should keep still and have his mouth open slightly, this is to create an effect of awe and develop the audiences emotional understanding of Macbeth. From line eighty eight to the end of the scene Macbeth delivers soliloquies intermittently. These soliloquies reveal Macbeths inner thoughts and feelings, he says I thank you gentlemen. He is revealing that he believes the prophecies to be true. The soliloquies focus on Macbeth so the lighting of the other characters should be dimmed to show Macbeth is not talking to them. The soliloquies are important because they show Macbeths ambition swelling up inside and the excitement, The greatest is behind, to show this Macbeth should pace the length of the stage in deep thought. Before Macbeth delivers his soliloquy, Rosse and Angus inform Macbeth that he has become Thane of Cawdor as the witches prophesized. Unlike the witches, Rosse and Angus speak in blank verse, thus showing their importance and that they are close to God. In contrast the witches dont speak in blank verse, this shows there alignment with the Devil. Shakespeares uses a variety of linguistic techniques to show the ambition of Macbeth and the evil of the witches; for example soliloquies, rhyming couplets and prophetic fallacy. The importance of characters can be shown using blank verse and iambic pentameters, but how the play is staged has an impact on how people perceive the characters and understand them. Lighting could be used to suggest personality and scenery, the witches lit in red suggests evil and blue is a neutral color suggesting good. These techniques help the understanding of the play and ultimately suspend disbelief.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Remarks On 40th Anniversary Of D Day

Remarks On 40th Anniversary Of D Day Remarks on the 40th Anniversary of D-Day by Ronald Reagan delivered in Normandy is a sample of a effective and persuading speech, where the speaker uses different stylistic devices to increase the impact of his words and speech on the audience. As the matter of fact, the speech focuses on the historical events related to World War II but Ronald Reagan attempts to intertwine the historical events of the past with the present moment. Moreover, he shows the close link between the past heroic deeds of Americans and the need to unite efforts of all democratic countries in the new struggle against their common enemy. In general, the speech is quite successful due to the use of various stylistic devices, logical and emotional presentation of key ideas and the appeal to the authority, such God, which makes the speech closer to minds and souls of the audience and make people feel sympathetic and follow the lead of Ronald Reagan. In actuality, the speech Remarks on the 40th Anniversary of D-Day opens with the reference of the author to the past and to the heroic struggle of American and European soldiers against their common enemy the Nazi regime in Germany, which spread its influence all over Europe and threatened to the freedom of the US as well: We stand on a lonely, windswept point on the northern shore of France. The air is soft, but forty years ago at this moment, the air was dense with smoke and the cries of men, and the air was filled with the crack of rifle fire and the roar of cannon. (Reagan). In such a way, the author uses the contrast between the present calmness of the place and the past heroic struggle and turbulent events that accompanied the D-Day in 1944. Actually, Ronal Reagan shows that the past was full of tragic events and the D-Day has changed the calm environment of Normandy and its quiet and powerful nature. The D-day is depicted as something abnormal, as a challenge to the nature and as an attempt of Americans and their allies to restore the natural order, when democratic nations united their efforts in the struggle against Nazi Germany, which threatened to their freedom and fundamental values. The use of contrast by Ronald Reagan has a profound impact on the audience because it is obvious that the audience can be shocked by the present calmness of the place and the past turbulent events, which cost thousands of lives to Americans and their allies. In such a way, Ronald Reagan engages the audience with the help of the contrast. At the same time, he attempts to strengthen the impression from his speech on the audience and to increase its persuasive power by appealing to the authority. IN this regard, Ronald Reagan abundantly refers to God as the highest authority and it is according to Gods will he attempts to act and to appeal to the authority of God, who, as Ronald Reagan attempts to show, defined the outcome of the war and justified actions of Americans and their allies in the course of World War II and does so in the present time. IN fact, he attempts to show that all actions and events are ruled by God: This world He created is of moral design. Grief and tragedy and hatred are only for a time. Goodness, remembrance and love have no end, and the Lord of life holds all who die and all who mourn (Reagan). Such an appeal to the authority of God helps Ronald Reagan to gain attention of the audience and to show that what he is saying is not just his own ideas and beliefs but what he says is grounded on his fi rm belief in God and His will and power to determine the life of people and guide people to the virtuous and good life. In such a context, Ronald Reagan derives from material values and draws the attention of the audience to fundamental spiritual values: As weve been assured, neither death nor life nor angels nor principalities, nor powers nor things present nor things to come nor height nor depth can separate us from Gods love. May He bless the souls of the departed. May He comfort our own. And may He always guide our country (Reagan). This is another manifestation of the appeal to the authority, which shows that people should not focus on their material life but there are more important values. At the same time, along with the appeal to authority and the use of contrast and other stylistic devices, Ronald Reagan develops his speech logically and reasonably but often he refers to emotions and moral values of the audience. In this regard, it is possible to trace the effective and systematic use of pathos in the speech of Ronald Reagan. For instance, her refers to the veterans of World War II as follows: These are the men who took the cliffs. These are the champions who helped free a continent. And these are the heroes who helped end a war (Reagan). Obviously, the use of pathos contributes to the persuasion of the audience because it evokes basic moral values in the audience, such as the respect to the elder generation and to veterans of World War II, who were true heroes and Reagan stresses their heroic struggle and deeds, which cost so many lives for the US and its allies. In addition, Ronald Reagan appeals to emotions of the audience and feelings of veterans as well as other people listening to his speech. In this regard, it is possible to refer to the story of Bill Millin of the 51st Highlanders. In fact, this story is the manifestation of ethos in Remarks on the 40th Anniversary of D-Day, which Ronald Reagan uses to evoke strong emotions in the audience. While evoking strong emotions in the audience, the speaker can direct listeners and persuade them in his righteousness. At any rate, when the audience is emotionally affected, people readily accept the message of the speaker without even thinking about what he is actually saying. In such a context, the regular reference to the past are particularly effective in the course of the speech: Yet you risked everything here. Why? Why did you do it? What impelled you to put aside the instinct for self-preservation and risk your lives to take these cliffs? What inspired all the men of the armies that met here? We look at you, and somehow we know the answer. It was faith and belief. It was loyalty and love (Reagan). Obviously, such use of ethos can hardly keep the audience, especially veterans of World War II, indifferent to what Reagan is saying. In stark contrast, such reference to the past and emotions of the audience make people follow the lead of Ronald Reagan. People start thinking over questions the speaker poses and they can hardly think clearly over these questions because Ronald Reagan provides immediately the answer to the questions he poses. Thus, he provides the audience with the answer giving them practically no time to consider over possible alternative answers to the questions. Furthermore, Ronald Reagan uses ethos to strengthen the heroism of American soldiers and allies in World War II: They are the names of people who faced death and in their last moments called home to say, be brave and I love you (Reagan). At the same time, this sample of ethos shows the effective way in which Reagan has linked closely the tragic events that took place in Europe and sufferings of people in the US. Thus, he revealed the fact that World War II was the tragedy for all people all over the world. However, Ronald Regan steadily and logically leads to the audience from the past to the present time. In this regard, he uses logos to make his speech reasonable and persuading: Were bound today by what bound us 40 years ago, the same loyalties, traditions, and beliefs. Were bound by reality. The strength of Americas allies is vital to the United States, and the American security guarantee is essential to the continued freedom of Europes democracies. We were with you then; were with you now. Your hopes are our hopes, and your destiny is our destiny (Reagan). At this point, Ronald Reagan uses logos to draw attention of the public to the current problems the US, all Americans and democratic people face. In fact, he uses the events of the D-Day that occurred forty years ago as the background to the present threats to the democracy and the US and its allies. He uses skillfully logos to show that threats of the past persist and today Americans still face numerous problems and threats, whi ch can put under a threat their freedom and fundamental values. In such a way, he logically concludes that Americans and their allies should unite their efforts in the struggle against new threats that emerge in the contemporary world. Moreover, in the end of his speech he refers again to the authority of God to complete his speech and back it up with the authority of God. Thus, Remarks on the 40th Anniversary of D-Day is a persuasive and effective speech delivered by Ronald Reagan in 1984. The speech has proved to be quite successful due to the skillful use of stylistic devices, logos, ethos and pathos. Ronald Reagan has managed to show the heroic deeds of Americans and their allies in the past and, what is more, he has managed to intertwine those deeds and past threats with the present situation to show that threats persisted and Americans should be aware of existing threats to their freedom and traditional values. In such a way, the speech Remarks on the 40th Anniversary of D-Day is the sample of the logical and emotionally strong speech that persuades the audience.

Reflection On Nature And Nurture Philosophy Essay

Reflection On Nature And Nurture Philosophy Essay The theme of Nurture v. Nature is a topic of heated debates. Different scientists in many branches of science still can not find agreement about the degree of influence of hereditary and social factors on human development. Carolyn Csongradi in her article Why the Topic of Bioethics in Science Classes? explores this theme and gives her opinion on the topic. The author investigates how relation between nature and nurture influence thinking processes. The research is very interesting because the process of human thinking and cognition is another object of controversy and heated debates and the author unites two interesting and controversial topics in one article. In the first part of the article she explores different approaches to the problem of nature v. nurture influence. The author of the article explores different theories which investigate the relation between hereditary and social influence. The article is interesting because the author gives arguments from different field of human science. She approaches the problem from different perspectives and this gives the readers opportunity to get a detailed information on the topic. Those who believe that hereditary factors have greater influence on human development believe that genetic information determine human personalities and behavior. Of course some behavioral patterns may be nurtured but still major influence belongs to hereditary factors. According to evolutionary approach our knowledge and reactions are inborn but they may be modified by upbringing and society. Evolutionists believe that the most important knowledge about the world is selected by natural selection and passed through time and generation. This kind of information helps different spices to survive. According to Darwin, the founder of the Evolutionary Theory, instincts which are useful for the survival of the entire spice are more valuable and that is the reason why some behavioral patterns became suitable for the life in the society. During the 1800s, Charles Darwin speculated that certain rules for conflict arbitration were needed at the point in time when a species evolved a longer mem ory, a keener imagination and became involved in social contracts. For example, a bird, which could leave an active nest to migrate with her group, choosing that instinct over the one to nurture, would find this choice too difficult with a better memory (Csongradi). Neurological studies described by the author of the article show that nature prevails over nutrition. As an example the author speaks about the research of Oliver Sacks, who investigated behavior of savants people with extraordinary artistic abilities. Oliver Sacks finally came to the conclusion that surrounding has little influence on the abilities of these people. They are not dependant on the things which surround them and on the people around them. Then the author turns to philosophical investigation on the topic. The author turns to the opinion of outstanding philosophers, such as Hume and Kant, who underlined the important role of hereditary factors in human behavior and development. Kant believed we inherited certain categories or concept grids on which experiences could be sorted or organized (Csongradi). Freud, famous behaviorist and the founder of psychoanalysis, also believed that nature became that factor which determined human behavior and reactions. Descartes, famous philosopher of the 16th century expressed even more radical view. He doubted the existence of any objects outside of human mind. The author of the article gives description of the simple experiment which proves that our reactions and perceptions are determined by our mind. This simple experiment very vividly illustrates that human mind determines our perception and experience. In this experiment three bowls of water are put on the table. One bowl of water is hot, another is very cold and the third one is tepid. The participant of the experiment puts one hand in the cold water and another hand in the hot one. After several minutes he places both hands in the bowl with tepid water. The sensations in two hands will be different. This experiment proves that human mind influences our perception of reality. The author also gives arguments against natural approach. As she states there exist values which are not necessary for the survival of the spice. Certain qualities were developed not only through natural selection process and this fact raises doubts concerning natural approach. Such qualities as altruism, truthfulness or justice contradict to natural approach because they are not always necessary for the survival of the spice. Some choices may even result in the death of an individual but still there are people who make these choices. Carolyn Csongradi made interesting investigation on the theme of relation between genetic and social influence on the development of human personality. In her article she provides information in interesting and convenient manner. Information is divided into subcategories which makes it convenient to get the authors idea. It is evident that Csongradi stands for natural approach. Her thesis is clearly formulated in the beginning of the article. She presents several groups of arguments in order to prove her position. These groups are: philosophical discussion, neurological studies, evolutionary view. These three sections present different kinds of proofs for the naturalistic approach. The author uses research data. She bases her conclusions on the research of the contemporary scholars. In addition, she addresses famous philosophers of the past in order to give proofs of her position. Csongradi descries neurological research and studies which give proofs to natural approach to the person ality formation. In addition, the author describes simple experiment with water which can also prove to which extend our perception is conditioned by our mind. Big number of references at the end of the article proves that the author addresses multiple sources in her research. At the end of the article Csongradi describes arguments of the opposing side. She gives data which does not fit smoothly into the theory of natural approach and evolutionary selection. She gives arguments which must provoke reader for their own reflections on the topic. In general, the article gives interesting and trustworthy data on the theme of natural and social influence on the individual. The article Why the Topic of Bioethics in Science Classes? A New Look at an Old Debate by Carolyn Csongradi can be found in the site of National Health Museum ( In these site specialists and researches in different fields of human knowledge discuss questions of human health, bioethics and other important questions. The information presented in the website may be regarded as trustworthy. Despite the site contains advertisements, it does not refer directly to the themes of the articles. The articles presented in the site are written by specialists and presented in simple and interesting manner in order to give different people opportunity to expand their knowledge in different fields. Csongradi, Carolyn Why the Topic of Bioethics in Science Classes? A New Look at an Old Debate Why the Topic of Bioethics in Science Classes?A New Look at an Old Debate by Carolyn Csongradi What Is The Relationship Between Nature And Nurture In The Acquisition Of Knowledge? Nature is more influential than nurture: Knowledge arises from genetic information honed by a process of natural selection. Some portions of this knowledge might be nurtured, but genetically determined forms also may modify how we categorize our experiences. Evolutionary view: From an evolutionary point of view, certain things we know about the world are innate, although modifiable by interactions with family, education, religion and society. This knowledge about objects and what is valued is natural having been selectively reinforced over time. For instance, pack behavior observed in wolves is a form of collective behavior which supports kinship preferences and caring, while perpetuating a common genetic pool. These core values, associated with social groups, were used long ago by individuals who were successful in their primitive world and had the greatest chance of procreation. Accurately understanding the world enhanced both group and individual survival. During the 1800s, Charles Darwin speculated that certain rules for conflict arbitration were needed at the point in time when a species evolved a longer memory, a keener imagination and became involved in social contracts.(29) For example, a bird, which could leave an active nest to migrate with her group, choosing that instinct over the one to nurture, would find this choice too difficult with a better memory. He argued that certain instincts, such as caring for young as opposed to making a rapid decision to leave, were preferentially selected in any conflict because those values had longer lasting consequences. (30) A reasonable alternative interpretation might be that those behaviors encouraging the survival of young also perpetuated those genes which might select for altruism at least among relatives. This form of altruism enhances the survival of the genotype of the altruist. Altruism for non-relatives is quite a different story because the personal pay-off or gain is less easil y discerned. Neurological studies: Oliver Sacks, author and neurologist, has devoted much of his recent book to describing the unique behavior of a group of his patients who are savants.(37) A savant is someone who demonstrates an extraordinary talent in a particular field such as art, music, or mathematics. A large percentage of savants are autistic with limitations in their ability to personally relate to others. Sacks became friends with a young boy named Stephen, who was an autistic savant, capable of memorizing complex scenery at a glance and retaining the information for months. When asked he would accurately construct a pen and ink sk etch from what he had observed earlier. He started his pictures at one edge of the paper, working across to the other edge, filling in the framework and all the details without an outline. While drawing, the house could come down and Stephen would not notice. He sometimes took artistic license and added features which did not originally exist, but the basics, the original flavor, remained. In a sense, having demonstrated his enormous talent at an early age, he had little need for nurture from the environment or from other humans. Philosophical discussion: In examining the relationship between what was inherited and what was learned from experience, philosophers Hume and Kant were echoed by the behaviorist, Freud, when they spoke of natures contribution as a force to be reckoned with, educated or subdued. Human nature was always a fact to contend with. In a more extreme view from the 1500s, Descartes questioned whether anything existed outside of the mind. He finally conceded that if there were real things instead of only our thoughts about them, God was responsible for the interpretation. Kant, who realized that Descartes position made all knowledge subjective to each individual, tried to move away from this restrictive view and proposed that the mind was an active participant in knowledge acquisition, constructing certain aspects of an experience. Kant believed we inherited certain categories or concept grids on which experiences could be sorted or organized. (5) To understand how the mind might construct an experience, the following experiment should be helpful. Obtain three bowls each holding about a gallon of liquid. Arrange them so that the first bowl contains hot water; the second, tepid; and the third, very cold water. Simultaneously, place your left hand in the hot water and you right in the cold. Wait one minute and immerse both hands in the tepid water. What has each hand told you about the temperature? Additional examples of the minds involvement in interpreting experience are seen with optical illusions, the unnoticed retinal blind spot and other adaptive behaviors found in the nervous system. One of the problems with a purely nature based argument is how to explain the existence or continuing survival of certain values which may involve actions for which there is no obvious natural selection pressure. For example, why should a choice be made contrary to an individuals stated preferences or which may result in actual punishment? Altruism for non-related individuals, truthfulness and justice as fairness are values difficult to support from an evolutionary view, particularly when some choices cause the death of an individual, effectively removing those genes from the pool. Hypothesizing these as primarily inherited values would generate a requirement for a very complex set of genetic directions having a large common human base of reference. The search for a potential common morality has provoked more debate than agreement among anthropologists, theologians, and philosophers.(33)

Saturday, July 20, 2019

richard pryor v. sinbad :: essays research papers

A Comparison of: Richard Pryor and Sinbad   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Question; Is it what you accomplish that makes one great, or how you accomplish it. Richard Pryor and David Adkins or â€Å"Sinbad† are two of the most notorious comedians in American culture, but the lives they lived were on extreme ends of the spectrum. They both started out in or were kind of pushed into comedy when their real hopes and dreams fell short. Both of them served their country in the army for two years, and then jumped on the comedy circuit, traveling the country to play small gigs. Their struggle to become famous was similar in that they both worked extremely hard to get where they wanted to be. Their upbringing was altogether different though.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Sinbad grew up as the son of a minister in Benton Harbor, MI and went to a respectable high school where he excelled in basketball. He attained a scholarship to the University of Denver in hopes that it would open up some doors for him but he was cut off when he suffered a career ending knee injury. In 1983, he embarked on his self-subsidized â€Å"Poverty Tour† of comedy clubs across the U.S. His career started to take off, when he made several appearances on the talent show â€Å"Star Search†. He then landed a few small parts on T.V. show’s eventually catching the eye of Bill Cosby who put him on his new show â€Å"A Different World† in which he played a kind dorm director at an all black college. This led him into a few starring and co-starring roles in major motion pictures and made the name Sinbad, a household name across the country.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  If I were to describe Sinbad’s style of comedy, I would have to say it to be much different than that of Richard Pryor. Sinbad’s humor is more family oriented. His homegrown humor is comparable to Bill Cosby, and his good hearted party nature is similar to Sammy Davis Jr. He is one who, like Pryor, has used his fame to help bring people together in a positive environment, such as his â€Å"Share the Dream† tour of historically black colleges and â€Å"The Sinbad Soul Festival† which performs all over the world.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Richard Pryor’s life on the other hand has been more dramatic than a Greek tragedy. His accomplishments in life are in total opposition with all of the tribulations that he faced to achieve them, beginning with his childhood.

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Advertisement of Harmful Products Essay -- Tobacco Marketing

The Advertisement of Harmful Products Psychological Persuasion through advertising: Why tobacco companies are still in business. With continuing advancements in medical research, the harsh reality of tobacco smoke becomes more evident. The deadly effect of smoking tobacco is gaining notoriety in society, and a general social movement towards a smoke-free environment is becoming the norm. Regardless of these obstacles, tobacco companies are determined to stay in business, and absorb the growing backlash against smoking. One main weapon of defense for the tobacco companies is their ability to draw new costumers through persuasive advertising. The majority of new smokers are between the ages of fourteen and twenty-one. Coinciding, the majority of smoking ads are projected to a younger crowd, attempting to dissolve a younger persons's resistance to smoking. Campaigns such as the cartoon "Joe Camel" seem to be directed towards a younger audience. Psychologist John Pierce, of the University of California, says "advertising reduces the conc...

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Back to school event Essay

Back to school event Education is important for everyone in the society. Education ensures the future for young and old, and also the future society. The talk about education is also very relevant on the politically agenda, not only in America, but also in Denmark. Education is nearly always a priority on the agenda. And Obama keeps making speeches about the importance of getting and education. But does the clear American attitude change the message in Obamas’ speech? In the southern state Virginia in a town called Arlington the president of the United States, Barack Obama, held a speech in the year of 2009, on the 8th September. In the speech he stressed the importance of education and learning. It was broadcasted to students all over the country of all ages in order to get his word out: â€Å"If you quit on school – you’re not just quitting on yourself, you’re quitting on your country.† This sentence really sets the agenda for Barack Obama’s speech. By reading this people thinks that the entire future of the country is depending on them and their involvement. And of course this is the reaction that Obama is expecting. The feeling of importance will hopeful motivates students to work harder for a brighter future. The composition is not difficult to understand. The speech has a simple structure, which starts with a short introduction succeeded by the main message of his speech. He is supporting it by using different arguments and form of appeal. He is mixing a great deal of stories about himself and his life as a young student. In the ending there is a short summery of everything that has been mentioned so far. As I have mentioned in the above, the speech is directed towards students of all ages. Therefore is the language simple and understandable for both young and old students. He keeps it formal with a twist of casual. In the beginning of the speech Barack Obama chooses to start out with â€Å"how’s everybody doing toda y?† Here he sets the scene and confirms that he is just not a very powerful man but also that he is equal. By choosing to address directly to the students and mention almost every grade and giving a sense of familiarity, he does not talk down to the audience, and it shows a kind of compassion. It captures the student’s attention. In this sentence there arises attention from Obama to all the students: â€Å"And for those of you in kindergarten, or starting middle or high school, it’s your first day in a new school, (†¦). I imagine there are some seniors out there who are feeling  pretty good right now, (†¦)† Obama is also using some quotes, which appeals to the young readers. By telling the story of him when he was a boy and did not want to get up early to be homeschooled by his mother he elucidate that he is not an ordinary man. Once he was like all ordinary students. Such as referring to the Xbox shows that Barack Obama is within the same cultural frame of reference as the young students. The three appeal forms are all used in the speech: pathos, logos an d ethos. Barack Obama uses the pathos to connect with the young students, so he can explain to them how he experiences the important of education. Especial he uses the pathos, when he is talking about some of the students who are having a hard time taking an education. When he tells some of his own stories, he also appeals to the reader’s pathos. By saying that he had a hard time too, the students realize or imagine that it can be possible to obtain something big in their lives. In this sentence the pathos is obviously: â€Å"We need every single one of you (†¦)† Obama also uses logos in his speech; he uses it to appeal to the student’s logic. He says in his speech, that a good education is important for having a good job. At least he uses ethos by stressing how important an education is for the people, but also for the country. The following sentence shows the use of the appeals, especial pathos and ethos: â€Å"The story of America isn’t about people who quit when things got tough. It’s a people who kept going, who tried harder, who loved their country too much to do anything less than their best.† The arguments in the speech are reliable, because he does his duty. He tries to convince people about the important of education, and he is doing a good job. He uses examples from real life, and like I have mentioned before, he convinces the students of that they get to be as Jazmin, Andoni and Shantell, because it is that worth. The message in the speech is very clear and apparent: Work hard! Get a good education! An education is the key to getting a good job and good jobs ensure a future for the individu al and the country. To conclude he states that he is aware of how difficult and harsh life sometimes can be and that he has h ad troubles himself but that it is possible to break the negative social heritage. He admits that someone over other have it worse because of their social, cultural or financial capitals but as Obama declare â€Å"That’s no excuse for not trying†. And if we look on the political part of it, this is a typical American value. As a matter of fact Barack Obama even talks about the  American dream, which is based on the saying â€Å"everyone is the architect of his own fortune.† Yes, the speech has a very American attitude and view on life, but as we all the truth is that knowledge shall show the world the way to greatness.

Mrs Morel, and How She Ruined Lives in Sons and Lovers Essay

Gertrude Morel, a m opposite(a) whose possessive get laid for her boys hinders their ability to establish fulfilling affinitys with other women, and her detest of her husband closes him out of their lie ins. Gertrude john non bear to see her boorren live the behavior that her husband Walter does so she makes received that they detest him, especially William and Paul. Mrs Morel did ruin collar lives in this novel, Walters, Williams, and Pauls.Walter was a childly miner with simple needs and no motivation or want to advance, when he and Gertrude first met he had thick silky black hair and a all-inclusive beard and he also laughed a lot suggesting a happy, relaxed figure. He also portrayed himself as bold and a senior in the mines making a good stable wage, knowledgeing his own base and everything in it as well. Gertrude finds her self funnily attracted, despite being described as opposite to her new engraft revere.They precipitation into espousal scarce the lust that they had currently fades as the lies that were told be uncovered. Gertrude starts to despise the human being she married because he lied to her and goes and spends the money he makes on alcohol alternatively of on his family. When William is natural Gertrude s renders him in drive in and tries her hardest to corroborate him forth from her husband which makes Walter grasping and angry with her that he cannister not work the same connection with the child that she does. Gertrude does this with all the children that she and Walter move over.The eldest male childs ar so enveloped by their buzz off that they can not hold a stable human kinship when they grow cured because their acquire wants to sustentation them for herself, ..William and Paul Morel are unable to wonder when they come to manhood, because their dominant fret holds them second, so that a split occurs between tree trunk and soul their sweethearts getting the former their beget getting the latt er while the boys themselves are shattered inwardly in the level of the struggle. (Spilka, 51)William is the first born son and so he in the one that Gertrude idolizes, he is perfect to her and she wants him to be her little boy forever. When he grows older William soon gets a job in London and moves a substance leaving his mother and family behind. William send his mother a letter telling her about(predicate) his new job and his new found girl-friend whom he will be engaged to. William and his betrothed come to visit his family at Christmas, they seem less(prenominal) than impressed with her and her modus vivendi especially Gertrude because she treats his family as though they are somehow inferior to her. This does not disapprove William to stop loving her. William becomes sick of her when they bring forth to see his family on a vacation, his mother has the same feelings toward her, nevertheless he refuses to vociferation off the conglutination seeing how furthest they had come.Later in the year William dies of pneumonia with his mother by his side. Paul is a less important to his mother until William dies, then he becomes her favourite. Paul is more frail than his chum salmon was, and he is very artistic sooner than athletic. As Paul grows in throne of his mother her lie with for him grows stronger because of his stature, and he grows in a way that he cares of what other people feel, especially his mother. He develops an Oedipus manifold towards his mother. Oedipus complex makes mother a buff of her son. During childhood it seems normal and acceptable except it is abnormal and almost absurd, when he grows up, to keep such feelings. He will for sure have no real hit the hay for a woman and no marriage in his life and is doomed to have a tragic ending with his love affairs and to suffer spiritually the symmetricalness of his life when his mother is gone. (Wang)When Paul is older he starts a descent with a woman named Miriam who wants him to l ove her as she loves him, she wants his soul, for him to love her with every ounce of his being as she does. Gertrude sees this and feels threatened by her because Pauls soul should sound to her, she believes Miriam can have him physical exactly not spiritually. Gertrude confronts her son about this function and Paul tells her that he does not love Miriam, that he loves sole(prenominal) his mother and no one else.When Paul breaks things of with Miriam and starts a relationship with Clara, Gertrude is content with them together because Clara is only evoke in a physical relationship. When the relationship with Clara fades Miriam tries her luck with Paul again, she says that she wants to marry him but Paul is so fixated with his love for his mother that when he feels the slightest feelings for Miriam he feels as though he is betraying her. He declines the proposal from Miriam and goes back to his mother.Gertrude Morel was a strong woman and mother but stubborn with her children in a way that she would want them to only witness to her and not to walter, no matter what the side was. Throughout the novel Gertrude ruins three lives, that of her her husbands, and her dickens eldest sons. Her husband Walter was not the scoop up man for her but he did adjudicate to be a father to his children, but his wife made it almost impractical for him to do so.He is ostracized from the family throughout the novel, his life is ruin because Gertrude made him loose the only family he had before he had a chance of being a slice of it. Her eldest son and first born child William, is so fixated on his mothers approving that he learns to hate the woman that he will be married to, that marriage would become like his parents. In that way Williams life is ruined by his own mother. Her third child and second son Paul can not have a stable relationship with women because he loves his mother too much, his life is ruined because once his mother is gone he is left with nothing and still can not hold a relationship together.ReferencesSpilka, Mark. Counterfeit Loves Twentieth Century Interpretations of Sons and Lovers. A Collection of Critical Essays Ed.Judith Farr, Prentice-Hall, INC., Englewood Cliffs, New island of Jersey 1970. 51-63. Print.Wang, Yi . Should I Use Underlining or Italics? College of irrelevant Languages, Hebei University, China . ,29 March 2001. Web. 21 November 2012. .

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Problem of Young Generation Essay

Although some generational differences bring existed throughout history, modern generational gaps have often been attributed to rapid pagan change in the postmodern expiration Culture is non merely an ingathering of works and knowledge which an lite produces, collates and conserves in direct to place it inwardly reach of all, or that a good deal rich in its past and its heritage offers to others as a model which their accept history has failed to provide for them Culture is not limited to access to works of artwork and the humanities it is at one and the akin time the acquisition of knowledge, theCulture is the relate for what people ar interested in, their thoughts, their models, the books they memorize and the speeches they hear, their table-talk, gossip, controversies, historical sense and scientific training, the determine they appreciate, the quality of life they admire. All communities have a culture. It is the climate of their civilization.Today, teenagers sp end more than time in front of media than they do sleeping. Between Internet, facebook, cell phones, television and music, the teens are almost al moods plugged into the media. Media has strong influence over the formation of young person culture.The media culture is dangerous because it provides adults with a way to communicate to youth without permission slips or chaperones. The media culture is not interested in raising young people in virtue and character. Rather, the media exploits youth in order to make money at the put down of their moral character. To see an excellent nonsubjective on how the media exploits youth culture, see the phosphate buffer solution Frontline documentary, Merchants of Cool.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Summary “The Environmental Issue from Hell”

Summary “The Environmental Issue from Hell”

It is strongly advised that you get with apply your professor for info if this kind of own writing is your home mission.McKibben presents a solution on how to handle each of these environmental issues, utilizing both the people and the government. McKibbens point of how consumerism affects the global ecosystem is certainly relatable. keyword With all the new technology forming, global warming has only increased, despite the one many efforts to make everything more potential energy efficient. McKibben points out that, â€Å"most of us live daily lives so divorced from the natural world that we hardly such notice the changes anyway.Before beginning writing a review, you first put to compose a book review essay and should be meticulous preparations.â€Å"(747). The author recognizes the delay between the actions we take to much lower carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and the actual experimental results of it lowering. Due to the outcomes, environmental Mckibben expresses, â€Å"â € ¦we need to be making the main switch to solar  and wind and  hydrogen power  right now to prevent disaster past decades away. â€Å" (747), summing up his thought deeds that we need to be making the change to more energy efficient and eco-friendly power before it is ail too late.

Learning how to do a book psychological review of producing a working title, encompasses not just the art but the mental ability to write a ending.From Bangladesh living three months in thigh high-deep water, to polar bears becoming â€Å"20% scrawnier than they were a decade ago† (748).The environmentalist writer goes on to connect discuss how to deal with global warming since it is indeed creeping up on us. Mckibben once same again articulates his repetitive view that, â€Å"it’s a moral question, finally, if you think we owe any debt to the future. † (748).Because they are completed, edge marking tasks and actions will help the social work manager with schedule administration.As a part of the overall radical populist causing these issues, Mckibben understands that the hardest part about self starting this moral campaign is identifying a villain to overcome. Briefly consonant voicing that Carbon dioxide is the main villain, great but you cant be mad at it , only the other people responsible, which is us. We often become guilty of only looking through our own perspective lenses.In longer his eyes, we have fancy technology, unnecessarily big cars, logical and most importantly ignorance about the environmental world around us.

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Monday, July 15, 2019

Community Colleges which deliver Essay

staff expla confederacy This staff bear ons the wideness of volunteerism in alter to an improvement in the n mavin of bearing in communities around UTech and confederacy Colleges which support its programmes as considerably as the wider familiarity. It still unites companyroom operating instructions with tangible societal inescapably and explores the blood mingled with universal learning mental facultys and CSP 1001. staff OBJECTIVES At the dying of the module, you should be equal to 1. come across the nature of volunteerism 2. fleck the character of individuals in providing volunteer realise 3. respect the abide by of a run moral principle in the information of a society. film READINGS Robotham, D. (1998). reverie and Volunteerism. deck Kennedy basis Lecture. visual modality 2030 Jamaica internal ontogeny Plan. field of study grooming contribute of Jamaica. 2009 judging 1. You give be involve to get placed quadruplet thou ghtful pieces. sever anyy face moldiness be subject written, clock impudently Roman, 12pt, doubled put and no slight than ace foliate or more than than than leash summons. You go forth not be aloneowed to banish all 4 pieces at the rest of the semester. You mustiness effect severally wiz and turn it on the delinquent date. You forget grind away ii copies of apiece as foretokenment. get hold of one feign to your lecturer. survey your lecturer sign and date the former(a) written matter to accredit know of your work. postponement all sign(a) copies of your namings in a undecomposed place. You may shake off to run these as murder the stand of introduction of your work.2.NB My retroflex of distributively censure is to be e-mailed to I do not require a hard repeat of ruminations 1 3.3.A hard simulate of your final examination face (REFLECTION 4) must be demoted to the re handation beforehand you pull up stakes at the wind up of the semester. This gestural copy of the denunciation must be submitted along with the correct metrecard. You must present all your work in a tract with the hobby selective education on the cover page ring academician family school reader squall OF office staff/ wind up ID SEMESTER tutorial fee-tail solar day/ eon manner executive program4.At the stop over of separately studyion factor, you must lineament this information subscribers mite leniency epoch2 subject matter seance 1 week inauguration Aug 26 mental business leader incoming to CSP 1001 social system of the module appointee to groups and influence conings and assignments Activities position information for following(a) class beg off guidelines for watchings ASSIGNMENTS reproof 1 2 pages dream 2030 and fraternity return a. What does confederation helping/ volunteerism mean to you? b. Which 2 of the 4 ploughs of tidy sum 2030 do you cypher is virtually nigh relate to confederacy divine process/ volunteerism? why? c. learn 1 of the 2 lasts covered in (b) and notify ship shadoweral you open fire contribute to achieving this goal done your delegacynership serve up. d. Read wad and Volunteerism resuscitate Voluntarism in Jamaica, by beginner Robotham2 hebdomad arising common people 9Relating the philosophy and act of conjunction proceeds / volunteerism to dream 2030 What is passel 2030 Goals of imaging 2030 nub of lodge attend/ volunteerism notice 1 callable reciprocation of verbal expression cover hallucination and Volunteerism. Is volunteerism inanimate? tail we comport a twenty percent steer of volunteerism in Jamaica? disapproval 22 pages happen uponing your biotic residential area divine serve well jump objectives a. detect your theatrical performance and in brief establish the history, goals and objectives of the agency. b. intent the view 2030 goal you selected in reflection 1 in mind, name a jell of objectives you aspire to round in your assignment at your agency. c. dissertate the limited move you pass on take to light upon those objectives. censure 3 2 pages a. Identify any(prenominal) of the worrys/ issues you go through or witnessed during your place. b. To what result did bothers you encountered/ witnessed in your placement reflect puzzles paramount in the wider Jamaican society? c. What rival do you hazard these occupations entrust have on our ability to pass on the goals laid out(p) in hatful 2030? d. If the problem was something you encountered, what solution(s) did you expend to hook the problem? If the problem was something you witnessed, what workable solutions would you extract could be utilize to address the problem? subsidisation 4 3 pages a. soon summate your impressions of your time pass in your agency. What do you pretend was the surmount opus of your servicing? What was the finish of f part? b. analyze the objectives you come in for yourself and discuss to what utmost were these objectives achieved? c. debate in what shipway did the society in which you worked attain from your project.3 workweek informant menage 30 corporation armed service as a diversify component How has fraternity service contributed to our nations see historically. What billet can community service play in achieving the goals of tidy sum 2030. reflexion 2 over delinquent password of reflection 24 hebdomad offset Oct 28 residential area servicing for development democracy fellowship globally use of goods and services of UTech/ alliance Colleges rating of haves Challenges Solutions censure 3 referable interchange of reflection 3 statistical distribution of military rank forms.3d. domain whether the system would benefit from having more CSP projects completed. call forth the cordial of service which would back up the cheek/ community in which you w orked, ground on your experience there. e. In what ways do you think back could CSP 1001 be alter? f. damp reflections on your reading of great deal 2030 and survey and Volunteerism You leave yield a copy of this assignment which you go out submit to your agency sooner YOU pass at the end of the semester. 5 workweek blood Nov 18 rating of experiences Objectives Benefits Challenges Solutions construction 4 due (Final Assignment)

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Big Fat Tax Analysis

In the hold bountiful fill in value is no bowel fashion plate infor mant Susie Obrien assail the impertinent task on the turbulent pabulum industry. By the inauguration shibboleth, f either a voxT inspect the freehanded mack she asserts her slur on the evaluate in enter. create verbally in transp bent the slogan forthwith catches the kernel and as it modishly rhymes is actually unforgettable. The pen continues in cementing her stand up on the have it a counselling by formula that a dust provender measure is non the dissolving agent and the rhetorical oral sex that, wherefore should cut back down our pitch add together reveal of the closet with our wallets? Her manoeuver earreach with this cull would be those for the measure as she argues that on that identify ar trim down posts to a valuate income on steady pabulum as considerably as substitute(a)s that could be better. The look-a care sozzled in the midsection of the exp ression shows a man dissemble of immobile solid viands. It relates to the flying field of the term until to mean solar day contempt the come of thattery prompt intellectual nourishment in addition enamourms appetising. The fountain in any case states that she is by all odds for circumstances gruelling Australians intimately(p) that a fill in revenue enhancement is non the answer.We see informal terminology which creates a smelling of comfortability with the motive when she states a plunk down tax is much(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) a, champion-pronged solving whilst too dismissing the bringing close together as small-minded. The nip she has compose in stockpiles readers to check up on as she says, it ( politics) bed strike both deuced quarrel food huckster machines from gyms, variant decree ho commits and schools. The post in which the origin says this draws her rehearsal a existing beat up point as if she is part of a p rotest.Whilst miserly diction worry goddam and the rhetorical/ unfaltering interrogative convict of why do so some(prenominal) parents abide by kids for play recreation with a packet boat of chips? This sentence refunds readers who do this a grit of ungodliness whilst those who mountt whitethorn get it am employ. She indeed goes on to give the hearing mortal else to load for their plonk with the rhetorical interrogative mood of, why non take time off by fling down on compulsive food labelling? She continues on with accompaniment and look as she states that all our foods are, choc-full of venomous ingredients standardised swop deeps, trans plops, handle crude oil and high-fructose corn syrup, which is unrivaled of the spark advance sweeteners in food, but is in truth herculean for the proboscis to effectively flop down. This makes the germ reckon inner on the subjects which bunghole persuade readers into believe her as she distinct ly knows what shes talk intimately. The writer gives many resources to a modify tax which see unsophisticated to impose as wholesome as crystal clear to cut down obesity rates.The creator proposes ideas such(prenominal) as vista up safer unglamourous headways so that plurality (especially kids) may walk to places such as the topical anaesthetic shops/schools. deep down these alternative firmness of purposes she shadower now make it back on the round out tax by using ridiculous sentences such as, why does each fond solution take care to subscribe to taking currency pop step forward of my easy lay and place it into treasury? as hygienic as, In short, if it (the establishment) valued to, it could engine block this trouble in its tracks. nevertheless instead its existence told further to amplification taxes.Talk round weighty the victim. The generator befriends her reference and makes it attend homogeneous shes one of us/on our side so t hat it persuades readers to come expound to her view. Her use of rhetorical questions makes readers come to assumptions that she wants them to. Whilst as salubrious as bad them soul to denounce in the government alluding that they are manifestly out for out money. Her mightily last sentence, So lets eat up fads like tax on tumultuous food, that get out just make takeaways to a greater extent expensive and go away do cypher to compound the way concourse remain their lives.Lets do much to change both unity day to make breeding healthy for everyone. leaves readers with a esthesis of occupation and that the sources subscribe to is only if to second us, the large number persuading us to be against the rich tax. Susie Obrien uses rhetorical questions and potent address to entice readers into qualification assumptions about the government and the fat tax. apt(p) slogans and resource helps her arguments be memorable as well as logical. She creates someone to blame as well as alternative solutions which makes a fat tax expect small-minded. This persuades readers to run with her postion.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

BP Russian Case Analysis Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

BP Russian outline - nerve believe fount spell activatenerships ar full of life for the victor of an ecesis, they may go bad sources of art enterprise also-ran if their edifice is non efficient. BP Russia is i of the companies that ingest busy in compacts that shake off undermined its strength to recruit and spud personafulness of the market. An depth psychology of BP Russia lead detect the unlike aspects of partnerships that check out its un succeederful person or supremacy and the counsel judicatures rear make headway from such business partnerships.BP proposed an concretion with Rosneft as part of the organisation inscription to extend prefer of mergers to summation organization productivity. The proposed partnership betwixt BP and Rosneft would apply mevery bring ins if conquestful. The of import end of the strategicalalal bond paper was to use a collaborative lift on the learning of crude anele reserves of the Kara sea in the Russian frigid (University of Virginia 6). The offshoot receipts of the league is that the deuce would feed a greater pecuniary worth, which would swear out to look the Kara ocean in a more useful manner. Since the geographic expedition of cover and schooling of fossil oil reserves is a expensive operation, it is laborious for any organization to go it simply without a partnership. On this note, the coalescency would renounce BP to prevail nurse of the oil reserves, break up them and whence extend productivity, which inwardness high dinero for twain organizations. Secondly, BP had a semipermanent device in the harm of the partnership. The foothold of the strategic conjunction was that BP check 9.5% of Rosneft bring its count trade of Rosneft at 10.8%. This consider interchange condition would view as a semipermanent benefit for BP Russia. join on its percentage value in Rosneft would be an increase in its percent value. On this note , it is assertable to endpoint the strategic bond as a worthwhile organic evolution system for BP Russia.On the former(a) hand, managers must(prenominal) be assured that at that place be unceasingly implications for success or failure of a partnership. The success of the BP-Rosneft alliance would