Monday, September 30, 2019

Managing & Enhancing Care in Rapidly Changing & Complex Situations Leadership Essay

Introduction to the folder of Evidence This assignment is an analysis of my leadership development though my training, and to assist me to adapt from a student nurse to a staff nurse confidently. This, along with an action plan (appendix 1) is completed though out my module 8 placement in accident and emergency. My leadership skills are developed by shadowing my mentor whilst she is in charge of shifts for 3 weeks, as well as accurately and confidently handing over patients to other members of the multi-disciplinary team. In this setting, skills such as communication, decision making, prioritising care and time management are necessary, therefore this placement has assisted me in developing those skills. This assignment relates to learning outcome 2-Utilise a range of therapeutic approaches and problem solving skills when planning, implementing and evaluating care to enhance quality of life for patients and carers, 3- Utilise effective coaching skills in the support of patients, carers and less experienced colleagues, and 4- Analyse and develop professional care, management and leadership roles within the context of multidisciplinary and collaborative care delivery in meeting health and social care needs for patients with increasing levels of dependency. (MSG, 2011) I will develop my leadership skills by shadowing her whilst she is triaging patients, in charge of shifts, and when she is handing over, along with accurate communication skills. Though out the placement, I will gain feedback from my mentor on my progress in order to help me to achieve sufficient leadership skills. Introduction The aim of this reflective account is to analyse leadership skills that have been developed throughout my module 8 placement in Accident and Emergency. I will debate the motives for my choice of actions, and evaluate the extent which it has enabled me to improve my leadership skills. I will discuss what I have discovered about my leadership skills, how I’ve developed as a leader, and what effect this has on the care given to my patients. This assignment, in collaboration with the practise assessment document, will assist me in identifying skills developed, with significance to learning outcomes 2, 3, and 4. The identified skills along with leadership literature will be evaluated using the Gibbs Reflective Cycle (1988) which comprises of description, feelings, evaluation, analysis, conclusion, and action plan. There are many definitions of leadership, such as being a ‘’function of knowing yourself, having a vision that is well communicated, building trust among colleagues, and taking effective action to realize your own leadership potential ‘’. (Bennis, 1959), ‘Leadership involves the use of interpersonal skills to influence others to accomplish a specific goal.’ (Sullivan and Garland, 2010). All of these definitions gave me a great idea of leadership, and allowed me to choose an aspect of leadership skills within my placement. This allowed me to focus on my leadership skills whilst making decisions in the clinical setting. Clinical decision-making is a process that nurses undertake on a daily basis when they make judgements about the care that they provide to patients and management issues. (Banning, 2007). NMC 2008 states that you must ‘‘Provide a high standard of practice and care at all times’’. This reflective account is also based on my leadership skills whilst leading handover. Clinical handover refers to the transfer of information from one health care provider to another when a patient has a change of location or venue of care, and/or when the care of/responsibility for that patient shifts from one provider to another (ACSQHC, 2005). The NMC (2008) states that ‘’you should be aware of, and develop, your ability to communicate effectively within teams. The way you record information and communicate is crucial. Other people will rely on your records at key communication points, especially during handover, referral and in shared care.’’ Stage 1: Description of the event Decision making plays an important role in the A&E department. This determines the care each patient receives. My mentor asked me to triage a patient in the minors department. No names are mentioned in this piece in order to respect dignity and privacy as stated by the NMC (2008). I began to triage a 29 year old female who presented with abdominal pain and vaginal bleeding. This patient was 7 weeks pregnant. As I was assessing the patient I noticed that she was hypotensive at a blood pressure of 95/65. Following this, I informed my mentor of my patient and my findings. Following a discussion with my mentor, we decided that this patient was high priority. Whilst my mentor inserted a cannula and took bloods, I was given the responsibility of allocating the patient to a bed. Following the discussion with my mentor, I felt that it was necessary to place the patient in majors, and on a monitor bed. As this was being put into action, my mentor and I noticed that all monitored beds were tak en up. I then had to liaise with the nurse in charge to decide if all patients on the monitored beds were required to stay on monitors. After organising a monitor bed for the patient, I then bleeped the gynecologist on call for further advice. After the patient was assessed by other members of the multi-disciplinary team, it was decided that the patient was to be admitted for further tests, as the gynecologist was querying an ectopic pregnancy. My mentor then allowed me to liaise with the bed manager to organise a bed on a suitable ward for the patient. After a bed was arranged, I then escorted the patient to the ward and gave a full handover to the nurses under my mentors supervision. Handover is another very important aspect of communication in the clinical setting, as it ensures the correct information is given to the nurse, and therefore, care for the patient will be organized accurately. Stage 2: Feelings When my mentor allocated me to triage patients, I felt that I was given a lot of responsibility. Porterfield (1999) states that empowering employees is an important part of employee development and can in turn produce a higher level of employee satisfaction. I questioned my ability to assess to as I was not used to this level of responsibility. I mentioned this to my mentor and she reassured me by discussing what assessment tools to use, and  mentioning that she and the rest of the nursing team were there for any guidance throughout the assessment. Once the patient was assessed and allocated to majors, I felt quite confident in my decision making skills. My mentor mentioned that I had triaged the patient successfully and competently and this was very reassuring. As I continued care for the patient, I became to feel more confident in the care I was providing. After a clinical decision was made and the patient was to be handed over to the nursing staff on the ward, I felt slightly nervous in regards to ensuring the correct and accurate information is being given to the staff, as well as the essential information in regards to the patient. As I proceeded to begin handover, I became more confident as I had been with this patient since the beginning, and had a good insight to the care that was given and the care that was to be given. I gave the nurses a full handover in regards to the patient, including what examinations were carried out and the results of the examinations, and what the patient is required in order to keep comfortable. I also mentioned that this was the patient’s first pregnancy and reassurance is vital. Following handover, my mentor gave me feedback on how I handed over the patient. We discussed my communication skills, and my mentor mentioned that I gave an accurate and well-spoken handover, and mentioned all relevan t information in regards to the patient. After receiving that feedback, I felt that my style of leadership tailed was transformational. Stage 3: Evaluation Leaders are often described as being visionary, equipped with strategies, a plan and desire to direct their teams and services to a future goal (Mahoney, 2001). Decision making is a fundamental element of nursing, and is essential to understand. (Reilly, 2003). By my mentor allowing me to make clinical decisions on patient care, leadership skills whilst making decisions were put into practice. With the support of my mentor and all the staff, I was able to analyze clinical situations and make a decision based on best practice, as well as evidence based practice. By gaining feedback from peers, it allowed me to evaluate how effective my decision making and communication skills were. Communication can be identified as a vast field with the nursing setting. (Donnelly and Neville, 2008). Throughout handover, my delivery of information was accurate and precise, and the level  of communication between the nursing staff receiving handover from I was approached to in a professional manner. I feel that, throughout the experience, my confidence levels were low and adverse. Dao (2008) states that self-confidence is the fundamental basis from which leadership grows. Although, I received positive feedback from peers, being given such important tasks made me doubt my competency as a nurse. Stage 4: Analysis The Gibbs et al (1988) reflective model encourages the analysis stage to break down the event into its components so they can be explored separately. In order to analyze, becoming aware of the variety of learning theories and styles will assist in evaluating. Timmins (2006) states that critical analysis should analyse current practice along with examining the research base of practice and exploring theories that update nursing. I feel by exploring various leadership styles, I achieved this throughout my placement. An effective leader should be able to adopt, either consciously or unconsciously, various leadership styles in various situations (Bennett et al. 2010). By approaching the range of leadership theories, I feel that I have obtained the transformational leadership technique. Transformational leadership style is made up of 4 elements, Idealized influence, Inspirational motivation, Intellectual stimulation, and Individual consideration. In comparison, Transactional leadership style is made up of 2 elements, Contingent Reward and management by exception. Aarons (2006) states transformational leadership inspires and motivates followers, whereas transactional leadership is based more on reinforcement and exchanges. I feel that I built a professional relationship with not only my mentor, but with other colleagues in the department, and had the support necessary to assist me in making decisions and handing over. In terms of patient’s safety, accurate decision making and hand over is an essential. The NMC (2008) states that you must ‘’provide a high standard of practice and care at all times’’. By obtaining a transformational leadership style, this ensures that whilst decision making, that all decisions are made with rationale and in the best interest of the patient. When handing information of care of patients over to colleagues, effective co-ordination and communication is essential. Clinical decision-making is a complex activity that requires practitioners to be knowledgeable in relevant aspects of  nursing, To have access to reliable sources of information and appropriate patient care networks and to work in a supportive environment. (O’Neill, Dluhy & Chin, 2005). However, although being supervised whilst making decisions and handing over, I was expected to do these tasks independently and professionally, and based on the best interest of the patient. This allowed me to gain further insight to the transition of student nurse to staff nurse. Stage 5: Conclusion In conclusion I feel the time I spent working within the Accident and Emergency team facilitated greatly in assisting me to develop my leadership skills. The stated event reflected best shows how I incorporated two aspects of my new leadership skills. I feel by studying the styles and skills involved in leadership I gained a good knowledge of leadership styles which I presented during my time here. I received feedback from my mentors and colleagues in regards to the skills, which have given me confidence to practice these skills in the future as a staff nurse. I have come to realise that a variety of leadership styles of leading best work in a hospital setting. In the future I will strive to further develop my leadership skills. Stage 6- Action Plan I plan to continue developing my leadership skills by observing and taking part in handover throughout the rest of my placements. I also hope to continue developing my decision making skills by shadowing my mentor and other colleagues throughout triaging and deciding patient care. As a self-regulated learner, I plan to gain feedback from both mentors and colleagues and focus on areas of further development. REFERENCES Aarons, G. (2006). Transformational and Transactional Leadership: Association With Attitudes Toward Evidence-Based Practice. . 57 (8), 1162-1169. ACSQHC- Passing the baton of care – a patient relay – May 2005. Available. Last accessed 17 May 2012. Banning, M. (2007). A review of clinical decision making: models and current research. J. Clinical Nursing. Available at Accessed 26 May 2012. Bennett, C., Perry, J., Lapworth, T. (2010) Leadership skills for nurses working in the criminal justice system. Nursing Standard. 24 (40), p.35-40. Bennis WG (1959) Leadership Theory and Administrative Behavior: The Problem of Authority. Admin Sci Q 4(2): 259–301 Bennis W. (1999). The Leadership Advantage. Available: Last accessed 26th May 2012 Dao, F. (2008). Without Confidence, There is No Leadership. Available: Last accessed 29 May 2012. Donnelly, E, Neville, L. (2008) Communication and Interpersonal Skills, p4 Reflect Press Ltd Publishing. Gibbs, G. (1998) Learning by doing: a guide to teaching and learning methods. Oxford centre for staff and learning development. London Further Education Unit. Polytechnic, Oxford Mahoney, J. (2001) Leadership skills for the 21st century. Journal of Nursing Management; 9: 5, 269-271. Nursing and Midwifery Council (2008) The Code: Standards of Conduct, Performance and Ethics for Nurses and Midwives. O’Neill, E.S., Dluhy, N.C. & Chun, E. (2005). Modelling novice clinical reasoning for a computerised decision support system. J. Advanced Nursing, 49, 1: 68-77 Potterfield, Thomas A. (1999) The Business of Employee Empowerment: Democracy and Ideology in the Workplace. Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishing Group. Riley, M. E. (2003), Removing chest drains – a critical reflection of a complex clinical decision. Nursing in Critical Care, 8: 212–221. Sullivan EJ, Garland G (2010), Practical Leadership and Management in Nursing. Pearson Education Limited,Harlow T immins, F. (2006) Critical practice in nursing care: analysis, action and reflexivity. Nursing Standard, 20 (39), p.49-54.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

A Day in the Life of a Dog

The room felt airy as I woke up in my bed with my duvet wrapped around me. The atmosphere seemed damp and dull; perhaps my Central heating was on the blink again. I stretched and rose from the warm comfort of my bed and slide of my fluffy purple slippers and slowly, shivering walked over to my wardrobe and opened the creaking door and put on my cold but yet soft dressing gown. The radiator was rumbling and as I touched it my hand went numb with the coldness, it wasn't working again. As I turned away from the radiator and headed towards the door to check my thermostat, I tripped up on a book that was on the floor and it my head on the side of my desk. I began to tremble and shake and I had a numb feeling and images of all kinds of dogs in all shapes and sizes, eating, sleeping, and barking appeared in my head. I was scared infact terrified, Why did I have visions of dogs? Why was I imagining myself as a dog? After what seemed like ages, I tried to pick myself up off the carpet, I couldn't. I suddenly realised that I wasn't human anymore. I had four legs, a soft fur coat and I couldn't talk, all I could do was yap and bark. I was frightened. I nervously took a step and my paws pounded to the floor. Why was I a dog? How was I going to cope? What would my family think? I felt odd but I knew that underneath this fur coat and dumb looking face I was still the same person I had been before I turned into a dog. I shook my coat and cleaned it. It was quite an exciting but yet terrifying experience. My sense of smell had grown stronger. I could smell the stench of sweaty socks. I plodded out of my cold bedroom and down the stairs. My paws were cold because the carpet was damp. As I entered the bathroom I saw my reflection in the mirror, it horrified me. I was a little black dog with long, curly haired ears, short stocky legs, a plump elly, deep dark eyes that sparkled in the sunlight and a wet black nose. I was quite pleased with the way I looked, so off I trotted round the house. My tongue was hanging out of my mouth and I was breathing heavily because I was in need of a drink. It was scary because how was I going to adapt to life as a dog. I didn't know how I was going to get a drink or food. The house smelt of curry and garlic from my tea the night before and cigarette smoke lingered in the air. Flowers in the hall made me sneeze. I jumped up onto the settee and looked outside, how I longed for a rink and something to eat. I could feel a breeze coming from the conservatory, the draft was sending chills down my back and my little black hairs were standing on edge. As I wandered into the conservatory I realised the lower window was open at a jar, so I stood back and remembered what I'd seen other dogs do and decided to try leaping, but as I ran and leaped I crashed into the wall. My nose hit the wall and my back legs collapsed beneath me. I lifted my belly and legs off the floor and gave it another go, this time succeeding. I landed on a wet, paved path that wasn't soft on my ensitive paws. I wasn't use to my strong sense of smell and my sensitive fur coat. Dozens of smells hit me. I could smell different types of food, cats, other dogs, birds and human smells. I drank murky water from the path. It was cold and tasted of chlorine. Leaves rustled underneath my feet. I wanted to explore because I didn't know how long I was going to stay as a dog. Firstly though I needed some food. I remembered my little sister putting some nuts and stale bread out for the birds about two or three days ago. I hooked onto the scent that led me to the greenhouse and here it was stale but now soggy bread and a few crumpled nuts. I bolted that down and ran off to the front gate, which was open. Out I wandered onto the pavement. I could hear lots of noises, children screaming, the traffic zooming by and the wind howling round my body. I could smell other dogs and the horrible shabby cat that lived next door; it had one bad eye that use to stare and weep. I wandered off in the direction of the park, passing lots of children whose feet pounded past my body. Some stopped to pat me, roughly grabbing at my coat and others pointed. Was I really that fascinating? I must have looked like a rough, homeless dog that smelt of nasty uncleanliness smells but I didn't care I just wanted to explore. I wandered out in front of traffic which swerved to dodge me and people were cursing at me but I acted all innocently after all to them I was some dumb dog that didn't understand them. As I got closer to the park I could hear other dogs barking and their owners shouting their names. I had no one to look out for me, no ball to play with, no treats to have when I had obeyed them and no one to love me. So I wandered about the park aimlessly sniffing at the other ogs around me, rubbing at their owners legs in the hope that they'd give me some food or affection. After chasing other dogs balls and getting shouted at off their owners I headed for the duck pond. As I drew nearer I could hear all the ducks quacking and I could smell the fishy scent. I got so excited I jumped into the duck pond and tried to catch the ducks but they started flapping their wings and quacking loudly and swam off faster than I could catch them. I felt soggy and wet and on my coat a horrible ponging smell leached. I got out of the pond and shook my coat. I was trembling now with oldness. Mud stuck to my paws, I could feel leaves sticking to my wet smelling coat and I probably looked like a disowned badly behaved dog, well infact I was one, so I decided to head home. I picked up my home scent half way back up the road and followed it to my front door and suddenly there was a shout and a bang and I turned over and realised I had just been dreaming and my little sister had just woke me up. I tried to settle back down in my bed and go back to my dream but it was no use, it had gone. It hadn't been real, it was a dream and not a reality but I was keeping that experience to myself!

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Compare and contrast the different conception Essay

Compare and contrast the different conception - Essay Example However, there are more profound explanations and awareness that karma includes and this also varies in the three religions of Jainism, Hinduism and Buddhism that all adopt it. The similarities among these important religions as well as their differences give a more insightful explanation of the different dogmas that they carry. Yuvraj Krishan writes that there are three essential features of karma. First, it is an ethical law where good would yield happiness and evil will generate suffering. Second, the soul through the person who does an act has moral responsibility over its consequences and in this sense it has the effect of retributive justice. Third, justice in the second feature is carried through punarjanma or rebirth. This is the most appropriate religious explanation on why there is inequality in the world and why some men had to suffer more from others (3). It is an effect of karma that a person may be born of a lower stature in life or even be reborn as an animal or some other life form as a consequence of karma he had amassed in his past life. Thus, one who has not merited what equates to eternal life will be reborn time and again until he reaches being worthy of such state. In Jainism, the concept of karman is refined where the mind is a product thereof. The tapas or austerity is an important aspect that is considered to be material such that it can be exhausted. â€Å"It is a consequence of the material character of the karmas that intent is not the only ingredient in committing a lapse or offence; the Jainas recognize unintentional lapses† ( Krishan 50). The Jainas are stricter in their observance of the right conduct. They practice penance as the ordinary course of life and this is the most distinguishing feature of Jainism from Hinduism and Buddhism. There are five practices in Jainism that are different for monks and for laymen. For monks they are called mahavratas consisting of what

Friday, September 27, 2019

M7 discusion Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

M7 discusion - Assignment Example The row totals and the column totals in a two-way table give the marginal distributions of the two variables separately. There are two marginal distributions in a two-way table and each marginal distribution from a two-way table is a distribution for a single categorical variable. The conditional distribution of the row variable for one specific value of the column variable is each entry in the column as a percent of the column total. The conditional distribution of the column variable for one specific value of the row variable is each entry in the row as a percent of the row total. The complete conditional distribution gives the proportions or percents for all possible values of the conditioning variable. The conditional distribution reveals the nature of association between two categorical variables. The chi-square statistic (denoted by χ2) measures the relative difference between expected and observed frequencies (cell counts). It is a measure of how much the observed cell counts in a two-way table diverge from the expected cell counts. The Chi-square statistic is computed by first taking the difference between each observed count and its corresponding expected count, and Taking Square of these values, than dividing each squared difference by the expected count, and finally taking sum of all the values. The chi-square is appropriate to use when the variables are simple random samples (SRSs), measured on categorical level and the average expected cell count is 5 or greater and all individual expected counts are 1 or greater, except in the case of 2 Ãâ€" 2 tables. All four expected counts in a 2 Ãâ€" 2 table should be 5 or greater. The two models for using a chi square test are ‘Comparing several populations: the first model’ and ‘Test independence: the second model’. In the first model, independent SRSs are drawn

Thursday, September 26, 2019

An analysis of the risk-free rate in the South African capital market Dissertation

An analysis of the risk-free rate in the South African capital market - Dissertation Example This implies that the risk free rate is the most essential concept that determines the market demand of different instruments. Next, the research conducted a comparison between the BESA published bond yield curve and a market price based yield curve developed by the researcher. The findings establish that the market price derived risk free rate is higher than the theoretical risk free rate. It was also found that the shape of the yield curve is different from the BESA projected yield curve, and that it is indicative of future problems in the South African Capital market. The implications of the perception of the higher risk free rate are discussed and it is revealed that the foriegn investors consider the country risk and the default risk associated with the South African government as relatively higher than what the BESA may perceive. The higher perception of the risk as well as the expectations of a fall in the interest rates in the future (which is indicated by the inverse shape o f the yield curve) hint towrads an approaching slowdown or even a recession in the South African Economy. ... 5.3 Omega Ratio 3.5.4 Internal Rate of Return ( IRR) 3.5.5 Weighted Average Cost of capital Chapter 4: Analysis of Theretical Risk Free Rate and the Perceived Risk Free Rate 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Yield Curve 4.3 Theoretical Risk Free Rate - BESA-Actuaries Yield Curve 4.4 Market Based Yield Curve 4.4.1 Calculating the Market Based Yield Curve 4.5 Reasons for Differences in the Theoretical Risk Free Rate and the Market Risk Free Rate 4.5.1 Expectations of the Investors 4.5.2 Liquidity premium theory 4.5.3 Market segmentation theory 4.5.4 Preferred habitat theory 4.5.5 Differences Expectations of Future Interest Rates 4.5.6 Implications for the Economic Development Chapter 5: Summary, Conclusion & Recommendations 5.1 Summary 5.2 Conclusions 5.3 Recommendations for Future Research List of Tables and Figures Table 1: Sample Table of Hypothetical Cash flow Matrix Table 2: Market Data Using Present Values on 8 April 2011 Table 3: Yield to Maturities and Expected Rates of Returns Table 4: Yie ld To Maturities Using Besa Method and JSE Market Prices Figure 1: Risk and Return Figure 2: BESA Zero Coupon Bonds Yield Curve Figure 3: Yield Curve Using Market Data References Chapter 1: Introduction 1.1 Introduction and Background South Africa is an emerging country that has devloped a deep Capital Market in the short span of time since its independence (Wajid et al, 2008). Capital Markets play a crucial role in the overal development of the economy as these provide the basic resources for large infrastructure and nation building projects, and hence, these are essential for any countries’ long-term growth and progress. In the last decade, South Africa has made several structural as well as institutional changes to consolidate the capital market in the country. These changes involved

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Role of Managers Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Role of Managers - Assignment Example In this organization, the planning role of managers involves the logical reasoning, through setting of targets and the relevant procedures to be followed to achieve these goals. Through this process, the managers plan into the unpredictable future, by foreseeing possible problems and giving distinctive blueprints on the actions necessary to avoid catastrophic events. At Wells Fargo, the management uses planning to counter the industry competition. It is critical to have an organized unit in order to fulfill the plans of the organization. The Wells Fargo management is tasked with aligning all the company’s resources to the major corporate strategy of the company. In many organizations, the corporate strategy fails to align with the organizational strategy, hence causing a myriad of problems due to misplaced priorities (Canals, 2011). However, the Wells Fargo management uses the organizational function to establish and maintain the relationships between the executive board and the human resource at the company. Through this duty, the managers are able to assign the technological and human resources to suit the corporate benchmarks of the company. In addition to organizing, the managers of Wells Fargo Company perform the staffing function as well. The human resource managers within the company play a critical role in the recruitment, selection, training, and development of talents within the organization. In the radical world of globalization, many companies struggle with retaining experienced employees within the company. Through establishing a reliable system to oversee the staffing process, the company accomplishes its plans in line with the available human resources. Given the competition levels that companies face in the business environment, it is important to give a clear insight on the direction that an organization must follow amidst the challenges it encounters (Mertzanis, 2013). Therefore, the directive role

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

An Anomaly Detection Scheme for prevention of collaborative attacks Dissertation

An Anomaly Detection Scheme for prevention of collaborative attacks - Dissertation Example These systems can be networks, ISP core or P2P systems. Some of the attackers that can collaborate to paralyze a system include, Denial of Messages attacks in which corrupt nodes interfere with radio signals of the genuine nodes thus preventing them from receiving messages. Secondly, Sybil attacks in which users acquire multiple fake identities, controls various nodes of the system, and eventually controls its decisions. Finally malicious flooding where a malicious node floods the system with messages. These attackers have various characteristics that lead to inefficiency of a system. They can cause disruptions at short intervals making the system very slow to respond to any action or they can concentrate at various nodes to cause confusion to the anomaly detection system that is in place. An anomaly is the unusual or unexpected behaviors in an information system .Anomalies violate the security policies of a system and they need early detection and counteraction else, they translate into real life negative situations. An anomaly detection scheme is a technical mechanism used to protect a computer infrastructure from attacks. Recently, there are several attack detection schemes. In order to benefit fully from, the anomaly detection concept, there should be additional security features like the authentication and access control protocols. An attack Detection System is a very important part of the entire system when developed with security in mind. The Anomaly Detection Schemes is not a new concept but it is in various applications with a promise of viable results. Lazarevic et al. (2003) compared various Anomaly Detection Schemes in a network to perform execution of data that was suspicious. Most of the organizations have adopted a system that suits them in detection and prevention of attacks .An example of such a system is the Intrusion Prevention System, which is very useful in preventing the Distributed Denial of Service attacks. Detection and prevention of th e collaborative attacks depends on several factors. Another such system is the STAND system, which is an improved version of CAD sensors discussed later in the prose. Change in time domain: All detection schemes require enough time for discovery of the attack and reaction to it. The attacks can be automatic, manual or semi-automatic. Automatic attacks leave no communication duration to the machine that is about to take place. The time parameters that determine the effect of an attack are reaction time; detection time and the response time. Many of the attackers make use of slow time dynamics of transmission time out. Here the attacker sends short-term bursts. In order to overcome the attackers in good time, there should be a means for real-time attack classification and a defense mechanism. This means that data mining by the detection system should be real-time, putting into consideration efficiency, accuracy, and usability, (Axelsson, 1999). To ensure high accuracy in a short time, data mining process uses programs that analyze the data and at the same time distinguish between genuine actions and malicious attacks. To ensure high efficiency, the costs of the extracted features are calculated and the cost approach is useful in production of efficient detection model. Usability improvement is by adapting algorithms that that facilitate fast updating of the system to enhance quick attack detection (Barbara et al., 2001; Barbara et al., 2002). Audit data analysis and mining (ADAM) is the system that proposes use of data

Monday, September 23, 2019

Business plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 3

Business plan - Essay Example Also, are women who get stressed, have little time to shop, and would generally like help in figuring the right clothes and styles to wear. Our competitive advantage is that Style Now provides an app for our customers. It is not only convenient for our potential customers but is also affordable. Compare to our top competitors, we are the only fashion truck that provides an app and merchandise prices that are in between our competitors. Our Style Now app is $5.00 and our merchandise ranges from $10.00 through $300.00. Also unlike the current fashion trucks parked on the street, Style Now trucks will sell merchandise that is uniquely tailored to meet the needs and wants of their customers. Style Now’s strategy sets the expectations for our customers by always having limited quantities in merchandise. Also, our demand in stock will always be new, since our merchandise will be updated with the latest trends. Style Now will be offered in your convenience since it’s the first to travel to customer’s desired destinations. Our shopping bags will resemble the truck’s atmosphere for memorability and gratification from their experience. Style Now has been designed and tailored to meet the needs of our target market since Style Now is customer service oriented; it provides customized selection of clothing and accessories that is convenient and accessible. Style Now’s pairing of customers with stylists is one example of the company’s excellent customer service. All Style Now trucks personal stylists are available to help customers select the perfect outfit that meets their needs. Retail/Customer experience: When customers have located our boutique, the Style Now shopping experience begins. A stylist will greet the customer and then they will both enter the truck. The truck’s merchandise will be customized to cater to our customers,

Sunday, September 22, 2019

The effectiveness of Facebook advertising in Hong Kong Research Proposal - 1

The effectiveness of Facebook advertising in Hong Kong - Research Proposal Example This essay "The effectiveness of Facebook advertising in Hong Kong" outlines whether social media marketing is really effective and it provides the required ROI in Hong Kong and explores the true customer perception and customer behaviour about Facebook advertising. Many marketers forget the difference between social media marketing and traditional means of marketing leading to massive failure of their social media campaign (Tuten, 2008). Usage of proper interestitials, and superstitials is a must while advertising in social media. Determining whether a pop-up which comes in front of the reading page or a pop-under which can be viewed after closing the page is to be designed will also make a significant impact on the campaign. Most users tend to simply close the pop-ups without having the patience to read them. But, if they see an interesting page after they have closed the page they were working on, they are tempted to spend a few more minutes viewing it. A major advantage in using Social media sites for advertising is that consumer-generated contents can also influence the sale of a product substantially. As we could see most of the graphical images and witty comments passed on the Facebook regarding the merits and de-merits of the products are created by consumers themselves. Social media transforms consumers into free advertisers for products. Usually huge companies in developing countries like South Africa spend much on advertising while small companies usually rely on the very creative and cost effective advertising methods.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Event Marketing Summit Attendees Include Essay Example for Free

Event Marketing Summit Attendees Include Essay Event Production Manager, 206inc Director of Communications, 75 Ninth Avenue Coordinator of Sales and Marketing, 75 Ninth Avenue Partnership Marketing Manager, AAA MidAtlantic, Inc General Director, Action Marketing Country Manager, Action Marketing Costa Rica Partner, Activent Marketing Director, Global Experiential Marketing, Activision Senior Employee Communication Specialist and Event Planner, Activision Publishing Inc. Retail Experiential Marketing Manager, Activision Publishing Inc. Senior Corporate Events Manager, Adobe Marketing Events Manager, ADP Event Planner, ADP Events Marketing Manager, AdRoll Manager of Events, Adult Swim Events Coordinator, Adult Swim President, Advantage International Associate Creative Director, Advantage International Account Manager, Advantage International General Manager, Agressive Communication Director of Accounts and Business Development, AIM Marketing Solutions Director, Integrated Marketing, Alaska Airlines Conventions Planner, Alcon Global Conventions Logistics Planner, Alcon Laboratories Senior Project Manager, Events, Align Technology Vice President, All Year Sports Galaxy President, Alliance Connection, Inc. Senior Vice President, Allied Experiential Director-Sponsorships, Promotions and PR, Allstate Director-Global Event Marketing, AMD Senior Manager, Consumer Products and Services, American Express Media Consutlant/Producer, American Family Insurance Media Director, American Family Insurance Experiential Marketing Specialist, American Honda Motor Co. Manager, Experiential Marketing, American Honda Motor Co., Inc. Director, Sales Marketing, Event Conference Services, American Museum of Natural History Business Development Manager, Amsterdam RAI Trade Development, Amway Tradeshow Manager, AMX VP, Experiential Marketing, Anheuser-Busch Marketing Director, Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield Owner/Creative Director, AOO Events Events Manager, Events Director, Armstrong Patrnership Marketing Specialist, Audi of America Creative Director, AWESTRUCK Marketing Group President, AWESTRUCK Marketing Group President, B. Levine Productions VP, Affinity/Event Marketing, Bank of America Project Analyst, Bank of America Executive VP, Barkley Kalpak Agency Marketing Manager, Bayer Healthcare Senior Event Manager, BI WORLDWIDE Director, Global Brand Experinece, BlackRock VP, Brand Experience, BlackRock Director, Global Brand Experience, BlackRock Sampling Events Coordinator, Blue Chip Marketing Worldwide Product Manager, BlueWater Technologies Event Marketing Manager, BNP Media Event Manager, Account Director, BOOM! Marketing Managing Partner, Brandscopic Director, Consumer Marketing Events, Bravo Market Leader, Britten Studios Vice President Special Events Promotions, Caesars Entertainment Director of Special Events, Caesars Entertainment Director of Strategy Planning, Cà ¡rdenas Marketing Network Executive Director, Strategic Corporate Events, Catalina Global Director, Event Management, Charles River Associate Director, Event Management, Charles River Head of Experiential Marketing, Chrysler Experiential Marketing, Chrysler Group LLC 2014 Event Marketing Summit Attendees Include†¦ VP, Client Creative, Chute Gerdeman Director Marketing Strategy, Cisco Marketing Strategist, Cisco Manager, Program Management, Cisco Social Media Manager, Consultant, Cisco, Cisco Director of Sales, Partner Engagement and Recoginition Programs, Cisco Manager: Digital, Audience and Measurement Engagement Strategy, Cisco Principal Marketing Manager, Worldwide Marketing, Citrix VP, Sales, City Eventions Vice President, Events Marketing, City National Bank Principal, Cloudburst Advisory Group Event Director, CMD Global Digital Marketing Manager, Coca-Cola Director, Corporate Marketing, Cognizant National Account Executive, Color Reflections Las Vegas Marketing Manager, Comcast Business Mobile Experience Regional Director, Compassion International Brand Director, Constellation Wines Manager, Global Marketing, Cook Medical Senior Manager, Global Marketing, Cook Medical VP, Program Development, CPC Intersect Project Sales, Craftsmen Industries President, Marketing Services, CROSSMARK Conference Manager, Crossway Books Brand Director, Crown Imports Senior Director Marketing, CSE Senior Marketing Director, CSP Business Media Promo Director, CTC Media Vice President of Enterprise Event Marketing Sales, Cvent Creative Techologist, CXG Vice President, Sales, Czarnowski Author, Decide to Be Excellent Event Marketing Director, Dell Experiential Marketing Manager, Dell Alienware Senior Marketing Manager, Deloitte Event Manager, Deluxe Strategic Communications Director, Deluxe VP Experiential, Deutsch Inc Partner/Vice President, Dimensional Communications Event Manager, Discover Financial Services Marketing Communications Manager, DoubleDutch Director, Multicultural Marketing, Dr Pepper Snapple Group Marketing Communications Program Manager, Eaton Corporation Marketing Manager, Executive Director, EDPA VP, Account Director, EEI Global Operations Manager, Elite Marketing Group CTO, Elite Marketing Group Senior Vice President, Elite Marketing Group Account Executive, ELS Creative Director, Encatalogo CEO, Encompass Events Pvt Ltd Founder CEO, Encore Nationwide CEO, Engine Shop Director, Engine Shop Director, Marketing Communications, Ericsson Director, Client Experiences, Escalate Sr. Program Events Manager, ESET North America CEO, eshots, Inc. Senior Manager, Brand Partnerships, Esurance Vice President of Global Marketing, etouches Business Development, Event Strategy Group CEO, EventNet USA Founder CEO, EventPro Strategies SVP, Client Development, Eventus Vice President, Eventus CEO, Eventus Marketing LLC President, Digital Engagements, EWI Worldwide Executive Vice President, Exhibit Surveys Group CEO, Exp Group Group CMO, Exp Group Head of Strategy, Exp Nigeria Corporate Brand Consultant, ExpandaBrand Partner, Fake Love VP, Management Director, FCBX EVP, Group Management Director, FCBX Specialty Sales Manager, Featherlite, Inc. Senior Brand Manager, Pralines, Ferrero Canada Ltd Senior Manager, Global Events, FICO Director, Global Events, FICO Group Director, Fidelity Investments 2014 Event Marketing Summit Attendees Include†¦ Director, First Protocol VP of Marketing and Analytics, FISH Technologies Owner/CEO, Flash Point Communications Social Media Coordinator, Flash Point Communications, LLC CEO, Flavor Group VP, Marketing and Client Development, FLIRT Communications Experiential Marketing Manager, Florida Blue Experiential Marketing Specialist, Florida Blue VP, Business Development, Fluent Marketing Manager, For Rent Media Solutions/ Brand Content and Alliance Manager, Ford Managing Director, Forum Group Events National Account Director, Corporate Accounts, Freeman SVP, Corporate Events, Freeman President, FreemanXP CEO, G2Planet Marketing Coordinator, GEICO Corporate Marketing Coordinator, GEICO National Strategic Partnership Rep., General Growth Properties National Promotions Manager, General Motors Marketing Manager, General Motors Auto Show Manager, General Motors Experiential Marketing Manager, General Motors Auto Show Manager, General Motors Account Supervisor, Geometry Global Account Director, Geometry Global SVP, Head of North American Analytics, Geometry Global Field Director, Geometry Global EVP, Experiential Marketing, Geometry Global Creative Director, Geometry Global Executive Assistant, Geometry Global Management Supervisor, Geometry Global Account Manager, Geometry Global Field Director, Geometry Global Executive Group Director, Geometry Global Account Director, Geometry Global Account Supervisor, Geometry Global Managing Director, Geometry Global Director of Production, Geometry Global SVP, Client Services, George P Johnson Senior Strategist, Strategy and Planning, George P. Johnson Promotion Marketing Representative, Georgia Lottery Corporation Trade Show Manager, Gerber SVP, Marketing, Global Experience Specialists Marketing Manager, Global Experience Specialists Senior Marketing Coordinator, Global Experience Specialists Marketing Communications Supervisor, GMR Marketing Director of Client Development, GMR Marketing Chief Digital Officer, GMR Marketing CEO/Cheif Creative, Go West Creative Account Manager, GO! Experience Design General Manager, GO! Experience Design Manager, Event Marketing, Gogo Air CEO, Gold N Fish Marketing Group Executive Director, GolinHarris Google, Google CEO, Group Delphi Account Executive, Group Delphi Associate Account Manager, Grow Marketing Associate Account Director, Grow Marketing Account Director/Experiential and Sponsorships, GSDM Partnership Marketing Manager, GSMA Ltd Manager, Mobile Marketing Programs, GSMA Ltd. New Business Development, East Coast Manager, GTE Agency Senior Marketing Manager, Brand Promotion and PR, HR Block Director of Brand Promotion and PR, HR Block Executive Director, Business Development, Hargrove Inc Senior Account Executive, Hargrove Inc Sales Executive, Hargrove, Inc. Director, Regional Dealer Communication, Harley-Davidson Director, Event Strategy and Execution, North America, Harley-Davidson Motor Company Sr. Coordinator Customer Experience Operations, Harley-Davidson Motor Company Account coordinator, Hawkeye 2014 Event Marketing Summit Attendees Include†¦ Client Partner, hawkeye Sports Experiential Brand Director, Sponsorships Events, Heineken USA Brand Manager, Sponsorships Events, Heineken USA Managing Partner, Helios Creative Services Production Resource Manager, Hello! Florida Destination Management VP, Creative Services, Hello! Florida Destination Management Senior Account Manager, Henry V Experience Designer, Henry V / Lub Dub Account Manager, Henry V Events Senior Manager, Event Marketing, Hewlett-Packard Company Writer/Producer, HGTV Manager, Hills Corp CEO, Founder, Hit Brands VP, Events Strategy and Transformation, HP Senior Director, HP SVP, Marketing and Events, HP Sr. Group Manager, Experiential Marketing, Hyundai Motor America Account Executive, i4D Events Marketing and Communications Manager, Idaho Housing and Finance Vice President, Ignition, Inc. Art Director, Illumina, Inc. Sr. Marketing Specialist, Illumina, Inc. Manager, Events, Illumina, Inc. Global Events, IMAX Corporation Assistant Manager, Global Events, IMAX Corporation New Business Development, Manager, Impact Unlimited CCO, Innova Marketing Event Marketing Program Manager, Intel Senior Consumer Marketing Manager, Intel Program Manager, Corporate Event Marketing, Intel Account Exeuctive, Interactions Marketing Senior Business Development Manager, Interactions Marketing Account Executive, Interactions Marketing Sr. Marketing Manager, InterCall Director of Product Marketing, InterCall President CEO, International Sportsmens Expositions, Inc. Account Manager, InVision Communiations CEO, Co-Founder, InVision Communications Project Manager, ITA Group Manager, Event Solution Line, ITA Group Production Manager, Jack Morton Worldwide Strategy Director, Jack Morton Worldwide SVP, Senior Strategist, Jack Morton Worldwide Director of Business Development, JHE Production Group Account Manager, JMI Senior Consultant, Events Marketing, Kaiser Permanente Manager, Event Marketing, Kaiser Permanente Manager, Programs Design, Kaiser Permanente Director of Partnership Marketing, Karlitz Company Chief Growth Officer, Karma411 Chief Executive Officer, Karma411 Marketing Manager, Karmasphere Group Account Director Experiential and Sponsorship, KBS+ Account Executive, Kubik Managing Director, Kubik VP, Museum Sales, Kubik Malbtbie, Inc. VP, Sales Sponsorships, LM Consulting SVP, Strategy Product Management, Lanyon Promotions Supervisor, LatinWorks Account Director, LeadDog Marketing Group Inc Director Client Partnerships, LeadDog Marketing Group Inc Senior Account Executive, Legacy Marketing Partners General Manager, Legacy Marketing Partners Account Supervisor, Legacy Marketing Partners Vice President, Sales Marketing, LEGO KidsFest Vice President, Operations, LEGO KidsFest Principal, LEO Events Senior Vice President, LEO Events Principal, LEO Events Director, Marketing Communications, Liberty Mutual Insurance CEO, LIFELAB events SVP, Chief Marketing Officer, Retirement Plan Services, Lincoln Financial Group 2014 Event Marketing Summit Attendees Include†¦ Marketing Manager, Conference/Event Management, Lincoln Financial Group COO, Linder Associates President, Linder Associates Digital Director, Liquid 7 Digital Content House Chief Creative Strategist, Live Marketing Senior Event Supervisor, LIVE!media by Sunflower Director of Events, LIVE!media by Sunflower Marketing Manager, LIVESTRONG Foundation President, M2W Inc. Director, National Events Partnerships, Macys Parade Entertainment Group Principal, MAG Specialty Vehicles Director of Client Service, Magnet Engagement Group President, Magnet Engagement Group Partnership Account Executive, Mall of America Partnership Account Manager, Mall of America Partner Chief Storyteller, Manifesto Partner Chief Strategist, Manifesto Account Director, Maritz Account Director, Maritz Project Manager, Marketing Factory CEO, Marketing Factory SVP Client Service, Marketing Werks Senior Director of Operations, Marketing Werks Senior Manager, Engagement, Marketing Werks General Manager, Marketing Werks Group Account Manager, Marketing Werks Associate Director, Marketing Werks Group Account Manager, Client Service, Marketing Werks Account Supervisor, match action VP, Development, match action VP, Accounts, match action VP, Event Marketing, VP, Public Relations and Digital Communications, Maybelline F2F Channel Manager, mbna Sports Marketing Manager, mbna Division President, MC2 SVP, Experience Design Director, MC2 Creative Director, MC2 SVP, Client Service, MC2 Senior Vice President Client Service, MC2 Client Director, MCI UK Head of Live Experience, MCI UK Sales and Marketing Coordinator, McNaughton-McKay Electric Co. Senior Brand Manager, Mentos Head of Brand Experience Marketing, Mercedes-Benz CEO, Method Models VP, Hotel Sales, MGM Grand Hotel Casino VP, Sales, MGM Grand Hotel/Casino Sr. National Sales Manager, MGM Grand Hotel/Casino Product Marketing Manager, Microsoft Global Event Marketing, Microsoft Senior Events Digital Marketing Manager, Microsoft Digital Marketing Manager, Microsoft Senior Director, Worldwide Partner Events, Microsoft General Manager, Worldwide Events, Microsoft Director of Operations, Milligan Events Principal, Milligan Events Director of Business Development, Milligan Events VP Marketing and Social/Digital Strategy, Moderne Communications, Inc. President, Moderne Communications, Inc. President, Mosaic Experiential Marketing Senior Account Executive, Moss Events VP, Operations Strategy, Motive CEO, Creative Director, Motive Events Sponsorship Manager, Moz Account Director, PR/social influence, MULLEN Manager, National Basketball Association Director of Consumer Marketing and Media Strategy, National Geographic Channel Associate Manager, Consumer Marketing and Media Strategy, National Geographic Channels Senior Director Marketing, NBC Sports Vice President, Ncompass International Account Manager, Ncompass International Co-Founder, Ncompass International Account Manager, Ncompass International Account Coordinator, Ncompass International Brand Activation Manager, Neo Media Marketing Limited 2014 Event Marketing Summit Attendees Include†¦ Managing Director/CEO, Neo Media Marketing Limited Business Analyst, Neo Media Marketing Limited Director, Nestle Marketing Service Director, Nestle Marketing Events Coordinator, New York Central Mutual Account Executive, Next Marketing Director of Strategy, Next Marketing CEO/President, Next Marketing Marketing Coordinator, North Highland Account Executive, Nth Degree Account Director, Nth Degree VP, Automotive Brand Experiences, Nth Degree Senior Vice President, Octagon President, Octanorm USA President, On Board Experiential Marketing President, One Stop Interactive EVP, Marketing Strategic Development, Opus Events Agency COO, Opus Events Agency EVP Creative Director, Opus Events Agency EVP, Event Strategy Design, Opus Events Agency EVP, Global Accounts, Opus Events Agency President, Opus Events Agency VP, Marketing, Oracle Managing Director/CEO, Oracle Experience Limited Business Development, Oracle Nigeria Brand Activation Management, Oracle Nigeria Creative Consultant, Oracle Nigeria Senior Director, Global Initiatives, PayPal Managing Creative Director, PBJS Vice President, PBJS COO, PBJS Senior Manager, Brand Marketing, Peets Coffee Tea Senior Brand Director, Pepsi Senior Director of Cultural Branding, Pepsi VP, Business Development/Operations, Performance Marketing Group, inc. Executive Director, Corporate Accounts/Motorsports, Performance Marketing Group, inc. Director, Motorsports Marketing, Performance Marketing Group, inc. Experiential Producer, Periscope Senior Experiential Designer, Periscope Director of Marketing and Communications, Philips Global Director, Marketing Communications, Philips Healthcare Director, New Business Development, Pinnacle Exhibits, Inc. VP, Operations, Plan C Agency Director of Sales, Plannernet Sr. Research Manager, PortMA Field Marketing Manager, Preferred Brands International ~ Tasty Bite VP, Partnership Marketing, PREIT Malls Senior Manager, Partnership Marketing, PREIT Malls President, Premiere Transportation Business Development, Production Glue National Account Manager-Event Marketing, Productions Plus-The Talent Shop President, ProExhibits President and Lead Staffer, Professional Staffer Services VP, Program Development, Professional Staffer Services Sr. Marketing Manager, Project: WorldWide SVP, Marketing and Communications, Project: WorldWide Event Coordinator, Promega Corporation Executive Producer, Proscenium CFO, Proscenium Chief Creative Officer, Proscenium Managing Director, Proscenium Senior Brand Manager, PRUSA Events Manager, PRUSA Director of Product and Channel Marketing, QuickMobile Partner, Executive Creative Director, Rally Marketing Group Partner, Integration Development, Rally Marketing Group President, Ravenchase Adventures Global Director of PR, Razer Senior VP, Red Light Management Senior Program Manager, RedPeg Marketing Director, B2B Strategy, Regence BlueCross BlueShield 2014 Event Marketing Summit Attendees Include†¦ Event Manager, Regence BlueCross BlueShield Director, Remezcla CEO, Remezcla Director, Remezcla VP-Marketing, Remy Cointreau Author, Resilience: Why Things Bounce Back VP, rEvolution COO, RMD Group Inc. Account Supervisor, Roberts Communications Account Executive, Roberts Communications Director of Sales, Rock-It Cargo Author, Romancing the Brand: How Brands Create Strong, Intimate Relationships with Consumers CEO, Sales Generators Executive Vice President, Sales Generators Director, Business Development, Sandra Arnold Inc. GM Events Pers, SAP Senior Director, Global Events, SAP GM Events Pers, SAP VP, Global Events, SAP CEO/CCO, School Marketing Coordinator, Scripps Networks Interactive HGTV DIY Network Director Global Marketing, SEMI Director, Shared Experiences Executive Director, Business Development, ShowTec, Inc. COO, Showtime Group AVP, Business Development, Simon Property Group/Simon Brand Ventures Director of Marketing Communications Services, Skyline Exhibits Author, Social: Why Our Brains Are Wired to Connect Partner, Soho Experiential Director of Business Develoment and Strategic Partnerships, SoHo Experiential Partner, Soho Experiential Marketing Manager, Solar Energy Trade Shows, LLC Executive VP, Solutions at Fluent VP, Branding Professional Services, Sonic VP, Strategic Accounts, Sparks Global Director of Event Marketing, Spotify Senior Marketing Product Manager, Events, SQE Director of Business Development, Staging Solutions, Inc. CEO, Star Strategy Director, Stretch Experiential Marketing Shows and Events Manager, Subaru of America CEO, Switch SVP, Switch: Liberate Your Brand VP, Marketing, Talking Rain Beverage Co. Sponsorship Specialist, Tauben Company Manager, Mall Media, Taubman Senior Manager, The Event Group, TD Ameritrade Director, The Event Group, TD Ameritrade VP, Events Management and Executive Conference Centers, TD Bank VP Events Manager, TD Bank Account Director, TEAM Enterprises Account Supervisor, TEAM Enterprises VP/Partner, TEAM Enterprises Account Supervisor, Experiential Relationship Marketing, Team One Strategic Analyst, Team One Account Executive, Experiential Relationship Marketing, Team One Management Supervisor, Experiential Relationship Marketing, Team One Event Manager, The Boeing Company Customer Market Engagement Specialist, The Boeing Company Sr. Field Experiential Marketing Manager, The Coca-Cola Company Director, Field Experiential Marketing Center of Excellence, The Coca-Cola Company VP, Marketing, The Cosmopolitan Resort Casino President, The Event Shop VP, Corporate Communications, The Expo Group Vice President, The Expo Group Co-Founder, The Hype Agency Director of Activations, The Hype Agency Marketing and Promotions Coordinator, The Law Society of Upper Canada Partnered Events Coordinator, The LIVESTRONG Foundation Account Director, The Marketing Store Author, The Myths of Creativity Operations Manager, The Participation Agency Director of Business Development, The 2014 Event Marketing Summit Attendees Include†¦ Sunflower Group President/CEO, The Trade Group Technical Associate, Thinkwell Group Account Director, This Is Fusion Program Manager, This Is Fusion Account Executive, This Is Fusion Marketing Manager, thomson reuters Conference Director, thomson reuters Conference Manager, thomson reuters CEO, Thrive line, Inc. CCO, THUMP / VICE CEO, Thuzi Project Director, Touch Worldwide Managing Partner, Touch Worldwide Director of Strategy/Senior Producer, Touch Worldwide CEO, Touchdown Marketing President, Track Marketing Group VP, Consumer Engagement, TrojanOne Senior Manager, Consumer Engagement, TrojanOne Project Manager, Turtle Transit Commander, U.S. Air Force Partner, Undercurrent, LLC Senior Manager, Media Business Development, United Airlines Event Markerting Manager, Universal Technical Institute Senior Director of Consumer Products, Univision Communications, Inc Director of Experiential Marketing, Univision Communications, Inc National Sales Director, Upstage Video Director of Event Marketing and Communications, USANA Health Sciences Director, Business Development, Van Wagner Communications VP, Events and Sponsorship, VAVi Sport and Social Club Sport and Social Industry Association Associate Director of Sales, VDA Productions Account Executive, VEE Corporation Executive Director, National Retail Operations, Verizon Associate Director, Store Design, Verizon Marketing, Sponsorships Events, Verizon Marketing Manager, Sponsorships Events, Verizon Head of Innovations CS, INS, Viacom Director, Marketing, Viacom Director Live, Viacom Eccount Manager, Visage Advertisinf Limited VP, Global Connections, Vivastream Director, New Business Development, VWV Client Services Manager, VWV USA Director, New Business Development, VWV USA Director, Client Services, Wasserman Media Group Senior Director, Operations, Wasserman Media Group Senior Vice President, Wasserman Media Group Vice President, Wasserman Media Group Vice President, Webb Audio Visual President, Webb Audio Visual Experiential marketing Consultant, Wells Fargo Marketing Manager, Wells Fargo Sponsorship Activation Manager, Wells Fargo Assistant Vice President, Wells Fargo Creative Services Manager, Western Southern Director of Creative Services, Western Southern Senior Corporate Communications Specialist, Western Southern Manager, Sponsorship, Community Investment Experiential Marketing, WestJet Airlines Team Lead, Sponsorship Experiential Marketing, WestJet Airlines Manager, Sponsorship, WestJet Airlines Team Lead, Sponsorship, WestJet Airlines Director, Experiential Events, World Vision Manager, Client Engagement Events Marketing, Xerox Corporation Events Manager, Zebra Technologies Event Marketing Director, Zumba Fitness

Friday, September 20, 2019

Sodor Oil Terminal Project Management

Sodor Oil Terminal Project Management The initiation phase of the Sodor project involved the formation of the project team and the nomination of the project manager. Group 12 is made up of 4 Nigerians and 1 Vietnamese which reflects a multicultural team with each nationality possessing peculiar personality traits. The objective of the first meeting was to nominate a Project Manager and to define and agree on ground rules for project team meetings. To ensure equal participation of all team members, it was agreed that the rotational project manager system will be adopted whereby each individual in the group would serve as the project manager for 1 week each throughout the 5 week duration of the Sodor project. It was agreed that meetings will be scheduled 3 times a week by the project manager lasting no more than 2 hours each. At each meeting, specific tasks is assigned to each team member to be submitted at the next meeting day. CONTRACTOR SELECTION CRITERIA The contractor selection criteria adopted by the team is the Trade-off technique. This technique uses a scoring system to quantify specific attributes of the various contractors and provides a numerical output, the highest of which represents the best contractor choice. The use of this technique provided the best possible contractors to manage the various stages of this project. CONSTRUCTION AND CLOSE OUT The close out process involved a review of the final Sodor terminal project plan to confirm scope, cost and schedule deadlines have been met. The lesson learned document was then prepared which showed the various conflicts that occurred throughout the project and how they where managed by the team in order to provide lessons for the future. The final project plan was then presented to the project sponsor and the Group 12 team was deformed by the project manager. We were able to arrive at a final project cost of  £7,356,123 and at a time of completion of 90.93 weeks. This can be mainly attributed to the fact that we used the TRADE OFF technique for contractor selection. The trade off technique provided an objective way of selecting contractors using a set of rank scores. INTRODUCTION Teamwork has been found to be an essential ingredient responsible for the success or failure of projects. The effective use and management of teams for projects has been noted to be a key determinant for how successful a project will be; however, the effectiveness of a team depends on the ability of the team members to interact appropriately with one another to produce a common output. DEFINITION Hoegl (2004) defined teams as a social interaction between two or more people within an organization who share a common task. Teams have also been described as a group of people who hold themselves mutually accountable to each other and who work together to achieve a common purpose(Scholtes et al,2003). The above definitions take into account the fact that for a team to exist, certain basic ingredients need to be in place which include; mutual accountability, constancy of purpose, and a shared responsibility for success or failure. The benefits of teamwork in project management cannot be overemphasized. Teams help in the mobilization of diverse resources to a project as compared to that achieved by a single individual. Church(1998) also noted that teams provide the flexibility to use the mobilized resources thus helping to continue with the project in the event of a particular individual being indisposed. Perhaps the greatest value of teams in managing projects rests with the ability of teams to provide a synergy of the efforts of the individual team members whereby the results achieved is greater than the arithmetic sum of the contributions of the individual members to the team. FACTORS THAT AFFECTED TEAM EFFECTIVENESS OF SODOR OIL TERMINAL PROJECT PLANNING AND DESIGN The need to have a plan for the management of the Sodor oil terminal cannot be overemphasized. Grachev et al(2006) using 3M corporation as a case study proposed that a key benefit of planning upfront for a project is the creation of well defined project goals. The goals help to give direction to a teams project. Other benefits of planning include; it helps the team members in the coordination of individual tasks by providing clearly stated assignments. Furthermore, the project plan also enables the team to have an overview of the project schedule, costs and constraints which the team can then use as a baseline to measure actual project progress. The planning and design of the Sodor oil terminal started with the identification of the Cost, Schedule and Scope goals from the data derived from the Project Sponsor. These goals where then integrated into a sequential structure by the use of the MS Project ® to produce the Sodor oil terminal preliminary Gantt chart. The final Sodor oil terminal plan is a comprehensive document showing the actual budget, time of completion, scope of the project, and the approved contractors selected for the project. Christina(2009) proposed that key factors that affect team success at the planning and design phase include; A. Well-Defined Goals: The definition of clear project deliverables has been shown to improve the success rate of project teams. Pinto and Slevin(1988) proposed that clearly defined and structured goals is a significant factor that determines the effectiveness of teams and hence the success rate of projects. Zander(1980) postulated that teams with clear and measurable goals perform better than teams with fuzzy goals. This is as a result of the use of clear goals by teams as a baseline through which team results can be measured. Furthermore, the use of clear and concise goals also helps the team in planning for what they can achieve within a particular timeframe.The goals of the Group 12 team where clearly stated and well defined at the onset of the project which was to deliver a project plan within 98 weeks at no more than the stated project budget provided by the project sponsor. B. Management Support: Pinto and Slevin(1988) suggested that the support upper management gives a team helps in facilitating team success. This occurs by facilitating the release of resources to the project team hence ensuring their efficiency and helping to remove administrative bottle necks. Group 12 received the support of the project sponsor in the designing of the sodor plan especially with respect to weekly review meetings to assess the current status of the project plan and proffer ways to bring the plan back on track. C. Cross-Cultural teams: The importance of having multiple individuals from differentcultures in a team has been proposed to impact positively on team results(Earley and Mosakowski,2000). Ochieng and Price(2009) also suggested that the effective use of proper communication techniques to handle cultural differences in a team helps in promoting project success. Multiple cultures in a team brings together people with different skills, competencies, and personal attributes dedicated to a common purpose. The multicultural environment of Group 12 provided a pool of diverse ideas derived via brainstorming from which the best possible solution was agreed on and translated into the Sodor project plan. D. Team experience and continuity: Pinto and Slevin(1988) suggested that the inclusion of individuals with specific project experience into a team helps in promoting its success. This is because this individuals already have a knowledge of the critical factors needed to ensure the success of the particular project from the lessons learned from past projects managed by them. Scott-Young(2009) suggested that the stability of a team throughout the project lifecycle helps in ensuring team success. Stable teams have been shown to maintain the consistency of ideas generation and are not susceptible to the distraction that tends to occur from a team member joining or leaving the team(Akgun and Lynn,2000). The use of team members with a wide range of experience managing projects like healthcare, education, and engineering played a key role in the results of Group 12. This is due to the diverse nature of the knowledge pool available for planning the project. The stability of the Group 12 team throughout the project lifecycle also played a key role in the design of the sodor project plan. CONSTRUCTION AND CLOSEOUT A. Handling Conflicts: The absence of conflicts in a team has been proposed to be a pointer to the failure of the team(Saj-Nicole and Damon,2009). The presence of conflicts and how the conflicts are managed indicates how successful the project team will be. The nature of the conflicts i.e. conflicts relevant to the project scope, serves to provoke a generation of ideas from the project team on the best way to manage the crises. Several conflicts arose during the management of Group 12; an example will be the, Who to choose as the project manager? The way it was managed was to have a face to face meeting with the project team, everybody laying their individual ideas on the table, then arriving at a decision mutually beneficial to everyone which is to have a rotational project manager system with each member of the project team having a taste of the pie of being the project manager for 1 week each. This solution helped during the construction phase of the plan because all the team memb ers felt a sense of belonging and making a positive contribution to the team. B. Leadership Continuity: The proposal by Akgun and Lynn(2000) on the positive benefits of leadership continuity to the project team success is largely not applicable to the Group 12 project team. This is because the use of a single leader throughout the project lifecycle will have led to the presence of domineering tendencies being shown by the individual chosen which may affect certain decisions made during the formulation of the construction plan. It will also have led to project team members being made to feel they are not a part of the team. Hence in a bid to avoid this scenario, the rotational project manager system was proposed and adopted. C. Resource availability: The availability of resources plays a major role in the ability of a team to produce results. Peters and OConnors(1980) postulated that the availability of specific resources can either promote or interfere with a team effectiveness. The resources needed by a team to be effective varies depending on the project scope. It may include financial, Human, and Environmental resources. D. Reward and Recognition: The relationship between appropriate reward structures and team effectiveness cannot be overemphasized(Bullock and Lawler,1984). Developing a reward system that focuses on the entire team rather than individuals help in improving team motivation and hence its effectiveness. It is a fact that people are motivated to achieve results if they feel that the results provide value to the organization and this value is acknowledged by the organization. E. Lessons-learned documentation: The preparation of the lessons learned document is an essential part of the project team closure phase(PMI,2008). The lessons learned document captures the lessons learned at various milestones in the planning of the project. The final meeting of the Group 12 team was a brainstorming session to identify various challenges we had during the creation of the Sodor project plan and how the challenges where managed. CONCLUSION This paper details how the Group 12 team managed the Sodor project from design to the closeout phase. It explains in detail the various factors responsible for the success of the team in arriving at the final project plan; and also the various challenges Group 12 team had and how those challenges where managed to produce positive results. The paper sheds light on the key factors that affected various stages of the project and how they where harnessed and utilized positively by the Group 12 team.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Women and Mathematics Essay -- Argumentative Persuasive Essays

Women and Mathematics Call me a bigot if you want but men are better mathematicians than women. Year after year, men score higher on the SAT’s, more men receive prestigious educations from the best technical schools in the nation, and men obtain more degrees, secure more jobs and get promoted more often. â€Å"The ETS report on students taking the SAT examinations indicates that males have traditionally scored 40-50 points higher on the mathematics section† (Women) â€Å"In 1996, California Institute of Technology’s enrollment was 75% male, Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s enrollment was 62% male, Renssalear Polytechnic Institute’s enrollment was 77% male, Rochester Institute of Technology’s enrollment was is 68% male, and Worchester Institute of Technology’s enrollment was 79% male† (Baron’s). The future for women who enter the work place as mathematicians is no more encouraging. â€Å"Roughly three times as many wom en are unemployed and six times as many women are in part time positions. The female mathematicians who acquire these full time jobs are less likely than men to be promoted to a position such as full or associate professor† ( Females’ lack of success as mathematicians has nothing to do with their mathematical potential. The reason females do not excel in mathematical fields can be explained by high school course selection, social pressures and support and not by genetic differences. Psychologists have studied the impact of environment on human development for years. Most would agree that environment does shape us and play a role in some way or another. It is no wonder that mathematics has the tendency to turn women off. The world has ... ...cs. In the years, the country has started to realize the injustice it has been doing females in the field of mathematics. I believe that in the future these biases and disadvantages will be a thing of the past. Females have the mental capability to perform on an equal level with all respected and distinguished male mathematicians, but first social pressures and stereotypes must be eliminated. Works Cited [1] Association for Women in Mathematics. Education and Career. [2] Chipman, Susan F. Women and Mathematics: Balancing the Equation. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers, 1985 [3] Custard, Edward T. The Princeton Review Student Advantage Guide to the Best 301 Colleges. Random House, Inc. New York, 1996 [4] Nolan, Deborah. Women in Mathematics: Scaling the Heights. The Mathematical Association of America, 1997

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Julius Caesar Essay: Loyalty and Chaos -- Julius Caesar Essays

Julius Caesar: Loyalty and Chaos In the play, Julius Caesar, Shakespeare suggests that a society without loyalty will inevitably find itself in chaos. Loyalty and similar traits of love and faithfulness arguably form the framework of societies present and past. Negative forces such as ego, greed and the quest for power continually attack this framework. Julius Caesar illustrates the rapid decay of a Roman society's law and harmony, until it finds itself in the chaos of civil war before concluding in an uneasy order. The absence of loyalty in a society does not necessarily constitute chaos; it is rather variants like extremism and shifting loyalties that are the problem. It is true that the assassination of Caesar was a clear example of disloyalty and betrayal. The relatively cool relationships that Caesar had beforehand with the other conspirators, made Brutus' betrayal clearly the most disloyal: "For Brutus as you know was Caesar's angel: Judge, O you Gods! how dearly Caesar lov'd him. This was the most unkindest cut of all". The sight of his beloved Brutus among the conspirators overcomes Caesar even more than his wounds- "Ingratitude, more strong than traitors' arms, quite vanquish'd him: then burst his mighty heart". This is supported by the most climatic line in the play- "Et tu, Brute! Then fall, Caesar!" Mark Antony also demonstrates disloyalty as he takes intentionally takes advantage of Brutus' grace and goodwill, to turn the mob against him. From the moment Caesar is stabbed, the... ...d, faithful and just to me", and his promise to revenge Caesar's death. His theatrical well-timed words in his funeral oration incite the crowd to rampage through Rome, as he plays on the constantly changing loyalties of the citizens. In the play, Julius Caesar, Shakespeare suggests that a society without loyalty will find itself in chaos. Loyalty, love and faithfulness form the framework of societies while negative forces such as ego, greed and the quest for power continually attack this framework. Julius Caesar illustrates the rapid decay of a Roman society's law and harmony, until it finds itself in the chaos of civil war. The absence of loyalty in a society does not necessarily constitute chaos; it is rather variants like extremism and shifting loyalties that are the problem.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Courtship Violence :: essays research papers fc

Courtship Violence The term courtship violence refers to a couple’s interaction with emotional commitment with or without sexual intimacy. Dating violence involves the perpetration or threat of an act of physical violence by at least one member of an unmarried couple on the other within the context of the dating process (Barnett, Miller-Perrin, Perrin 163). The study of dating violence is important for two reasons. First, such behavior often results in physical and emotional injury. Second, there is reason to believe that dating violence is often a precursor to spousal abuse. Many battered women report that they were first assaulted by their husbands during courtship (Simons 467). Women, more than men, appear to bear the brunt of courtship violence. Despite the fact that rates of partner abuse by males and females are similar, women report more injuries and a greater negative impact as a result of their male partners’ physical aggression (Ronfeldt 72). Studies consistently show that it is women who are disproportionately likely to sustain serious injury. Some significant negative consequences are emotional harm, feelings of victimization, and fear of further violence (Barnett, Miller-Perrin, Perrin 164). The most popular explanation for dating violence is that it is a learned behavior acquired in the family origin. Witnessing parents’ marital aggression or being the victim of harsh corporal punishment may greatly increase the chances that a child will grow up to use violence in a dating relationship (Simons 468). There is a substantial body of evidence suggesting that violence in the family is a risk factor for the perpetration of partner abuse. Men who witnessed interparental violence were three times more likely to hit their wives than men who did not (Ronfeldt 72). Men who witnessed their fathers hitting their mothers were more likely to approve of violence against women and to abuse their own partner. Those growing up in a violent home were more likely to move from verbal to physical aggression. Witnessing paternal marital violence would moderate the association between psychologically controlling behaviors and physical violence so that the association would be stronger for individuals who had witnessed paternal marital violence (Ronfeldt 73). Researchers usually specify observational learning as the process whereby parents influence the probability that their children will be violent in intimate relationships. Some describe the learning process as one of imitation; others emphasize lessons about the legitimacy of violence in intimate relationships. The imitation explanation asserts that children learn about romantic relationships by observing interactions between their parents (Simons 468).

Monday, September 16, 2019

Baroque Era: Questions

Baroque Dates: 1600-17501. What does musical style mean? An expressive style of music 2. What was going historically during this era? What was life like? 3. Was did the term Baroque originally mean? An insult to describe a misshapen or oddly colored pearl 4. Why did early baroque composers favor homophony? 5. What texture did late baroque composers prefer? Polyphonic 6. The musical style of the Baroque era began in what country and then spread Throughout Europe? Italy 7. Church modes gradually gave way to what?Major/ minor scale/tonal system 8. Did instrumental music become Just as important as vocal music? 9. What are some harmonistic traits of baroque rhythms? Regular meter and bar lines are finally present: rhythmic patterns repeated throughout a piece. 10. What are some characteristic traits of baroque melodies? Elaborate and ornamental; not symmetrical (phrases not of equal length); melodic patterns. 11 . What are the dynamics like in Baroque music? 12. Were chords becoming more important? No 13. What voices or parts become more important?Bass- because of the choral structure (root of the chord in the bass), soprano?because of the melody lines. 14 . What is the basso continuo? What instruments play it? The bass line/part of the sic in addition to the group of instruments playing the part. Keyboard and a cello, bassoon, etc. 15. What was a baroque orchestra like? 16. What family of instruments were the most important? Strings 17. What is a movement? Did baroque compositions often consist of multiple movements? A movement is an independent section of a larger work, like a chapter of a book.It is often related in some way (by key structure or melodic or rhythmic motif) to the larger work as a whole. Baroque music was often segmented into movements, slow- fast-slow (French Overture) or fast-slow-fast (The confusion, or Italian overture), and not dance movements, as in Handel's Water Music or Bach's lute suites 18. What is the primary or most important way that the movements might contrast one another? Tempo 19. What is opera? What does it include? Where was it invented? Dramatic vocal form blending visual, literary, and musical arts, in which all dialogue is sung.Costumes, sets, props, and it's staged. Florence, Italy. 20. What is the libretto? The words to the opera 21 . What is an aria? More lyrical, song like portion of an opera. Not speech like, for a solo voice 22. What is a recitative? Rapid words advancing story quickly and clearly Eng, it imitates the natural rhythms of speech. Progresses the story. Only accompanied by the basso continuo. 23. What is a dad capo aria? Ternary (ABA) form. The text for both A sections is exactly the same. Singers typically ornamented or embellished the 2nd A Section 24.What is the ground bass aria? Has a repeated pattern in the bass 25. What is the first significant opera? L'Oreal 26. What is an oratorio? Like an opera but not staged; based on biblical stories 27. What is a passion? Type of oratorio based on the life, death, and resurrection of Christ 28. What is a chorale? A Lutheran hymn tune associated with German Protestantism 29. What is a church cantata? A very short onstage opera written for instruments and one or two voices in a single scene or situation 30. What is a sonata? Instrumental work with 4 contrasting movements.What are the different types? Solo, trio, sonata De camera, sonata De cheese 31 . What is a fugue? A carefully worked out polyphonic piece of music using a theme, subject or motive that occurs in all voices 32. What is a prelude? A rambling, improvisatory sounding piece that is often paired with and played before a fugue 33. What is a suite? Often called a Baroque or dance suite) A collection of dances. Written only for instruments. All dances were in the same key center to unify the dances. 34. What is a confusion? An Italian word for symphony. 35.What is the concerto gross? Small group and large group orchestra A solo concerto? Solo instruments and orchestra. How many movements does it have? 36. What is the arteriole form and how does it work? The first and last movements of concerti gross arena in the formed which is based on alternation between tutu and solo sections. Composers: Please include the following for each (l need to be able to ell that you read about them and did not Just Google them or use Wakefield, etc. And copied and pasted-read your textbook please) a. Dates b. Nationality c.Importance/major contribution d. Types of compositions e. Extra little tidbit 37. Claudio Monteverdi-Laotian composer of the first great opera, named Roofer 38. Henry Purcell- 1685-1750 English an early baroque composer; one of his famous works was dido and nanas. Born in 1659 39. Archangel Cornell-1 563-1713 Developed violin technique in addition to composing from his home country of Italy. Genres: sonata, concerto gross. Trio Sonata in C major, La Folia 40. Antonio Vivaldi- nicknamed the red priest an Italian composer practically invent ed the retooling form.Composer of the four seasons 41. Johann Sebastian Bach- 1685-1750 German composer who improvised on the pipe organ and was especially known for his fugues. He wrote in every Baroque style except opera. 42. G. F. Handel- 1685-1759 German composer who became an English citizen and wrote the messiah. Became the Experimenter for George, the elector of Hanover in Germany. Genres: Over 20 oratorios, opera serial, Orchestral suites, solo keyboard works, trio sonatas. Music for the Royal firework's, the water music.

Community Development Essay

Achieving gender equality and empowering women are necessary to achieve social, economic and political development. Today, girls and women continue to benefit from health and education services with women surpassing men in enrolment and academic achievements in many situations. Women in Malaysia are also more actively involved today in politics and numerous other national initiatives. Malaysia’s commitment and dedication to the advancement of women is evident in many of its programs and policies in the last two decades. In 1985, the Government of Malaysia formulated the National Policy on Women as a guide for women’s participation in the development process. The Policy helps enhance women’s quality of life by overcoming challenges through poverty eradication and education. The stature of women became a primary objective of the 6th Malaysia Plan (1991 – 1995), where a special fund for the development of women became a significant and integral step towards empowering women in Malaysia. Subsequent Malaysia Plans continue to focus on the needs of women with recommendations to advance their position in society. By agreeing to the commitments set forth in the Beijing Platform for Action at the UN Fourth World Conference on Women (1995), the Government promised to 1) enhance the national machinery for women’s advancement; 2) increase women’s participation in decision-making; 3) safeguard women’s rights to health, education and social well being and 4) remove legal obstacles and gender discriminatory practices. In 1995, the Government also ratified the UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women(CEDAW). In 2001, the Government created the Ministry of Women and Family Development with a mandate to address issues on women and uplift the stature of women in the country. Malaysia’s Constitution was amended in August 2001 to prohibit discrimination in any law on the basis of gender. The Government continues to play a crucial and supportive role in achieving greater gender equality in the country, by providing a healthy environment for the advancement of women at both national and international arenas. The Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development which is responsible for addressing women’s issues in Malaysia has had its budget increase from RM 1.8 million (US$ 0.5 million) in 2001 to RM 30.5 million (US$ 8.6 million) in 2005, demonstrating the country’s serious commitment to the cause. Future challenges to be considered include: addressing the continued poverty among female-headed households; combating violence against women; raising the effectiveness of gender mainstreaming strategies; reducing women’s risk of contracting HIV; removing attitudinal challenges that impact capacity-building; and raising the level of women’s participation in the labour force, in business and in politics and government. KPWKM is headed by a Minister, currently held by Datuk Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil (UMNO). She is assisted by a Deputy Minister, currently held by Senator Heng Seai Kie (MCA). The following departments and agencies are under the purview of the KPWKM: * Department for Women’s Development  In 1975, the Government set up the National Advisory Council on the Integration of Women in Development (NACIWID) as the machinery to ensure the involvement of women in development. In 1983, the Secretariat for Women’s Affairs (HAWA) in the Prime Minister’s Department was established to take over the tasks of the NACIWID Secretariat. From 1997, HAWA functioned as a department under the former Ministry of National Unity and Social Development. In 2001, the Department was placed under the then newly established KPWKM and restructured as the Department for Women’s Development (DWD). By 2002, the DWD had set up branch offices in every state in Malaysia.[7] * Social Welfare Department  Initially set up in 1946 as the Community Welfare Department of Malaya, the Social Welfare Department (SWD) has evolved in fulfilling its role in national development. From initially being involved in mitigating the social problems brought about by the immediate post-war period, the role and functions of this department have expanded to cover prevention and rehabilitation services in social issues as well as community development.[8] * National Population and Family Development Board  The National Population and Family Development Board (NPFDB) was established in 1966 to improve the reproductive health status of women and men and encourage family planning. It has since evolved to include policy and advisory roles by assisting planners and programme managers to integrate population and family development into sectoral development programme planning as well as facilitate policy makers to consider population and family development factors in the formulation of national development policies and strategies.[9] * Social Institute of Malaysia  The Social Institute of Malaysia was set up to promote professional and semi-professional training in the field of training and research as well as social education to all social workers from various levels and groups from within and outside the country including non-governmental organizations. It currently operates from a 50-acre (200,000 m2) campus in Sungai Besi that was completed in 2001.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Honda vs Toyota Essay

The Honda Company was founded by Soichiro Honda . Soichiro Honda was a racer, a businessman, and a manufacturer. But most of all he was a dreamer. He dreamed of a better way of making piston rings, founded a small company, and began production. He dreamed of giving people everywhere an economical form of transportation, and began producing small motorcycles, including one built in 1949 called the D-Type Dream. Soichiro Honda started Honda Motor Company in 1948, at the age of 41. Honda of America Mfg. has been committed to building quality products for their customers and quality communities where their associates live and work. Their Fundamental Beliefs are Respect for the Individual and The Three Joys. The three joys are Joy of Buying, The Joy of Selling and The Joy of Creating  which express Honda’s belief and desire that each person working in, or coming into contact with the company, directly or through or products, should share a sense of joy through that experience. Hondas company principle is â€Å"Maintaining a global viewpoint, we are dedicated to supplying products of the highest quality, yet at a reasonable price, for worldwide customer satisfaction. † Honda Management Policies are Proceed always with ambition and youthfulness, Respect sound theory, develop fresh ideas and make the most effective use of time. Also Enjoy your work, and encourage open communications, Strive constantly for a harmonious flow of work, Be ever mindful of the value of research and endeavor. Honda follows a philosophy they call â€Å"The Racing Spirit†. This philosophy is summarized by Seek the Challenge, Being ready on Time, Teamwork, Quick Response, and Winner Takes All. Honda seeks to minimize waste throughout the entire manufacturing process. This starts with designing production processes, parts logistics, energy management systems and other operations in ways to reduce their impact on the environment. Improving the energy efficiency of Honda factories is the single biggest focus to reduce the environmental impact of its manufacturing operations. As a result, Honda plants are leaders in reducing CO2  and other greenhouse gases. Honda views solid waste generated in their factories as the inefficient use of raw materials. From this perspective, Honda has established a waste management hierarchy at its manufacturing operations with the ideal of producing no downstream waste. The Toyoda Automatic Loom company was founded by Sakichi Toyoda, a prolific inventor, based on his groundbreaking designs. Toyota has a Production System which is steeped in the philosophy of â€Å"the complete elimination of all waste† imbuing all aspects of production in pursuit of the most efficient methods. Toyota Motor Corporation’s vehicle production system is a way of making things that is sometimes referred to as a lean manufacturing system or a Just-in-Time system, and has come to be well known and studied worldwide. This production control system has been established based on many years of continuous improvements. Based on the basic philosophies of jidoka and Just-in-Time, the TPS can efficiently and quickly produce vehicles of sound quality, one at a time, that fully satisfy customer requirements. The concept of jidoka is Highlighting or visualization of problems which is basically the idea that quality must be built in during the manufacturing process. The Just-In-Time concept is basically productivity improvement which means making only what is needed, when it is needed, and in the amount needed. Toyota has seven guiding principles. The first principle is honor the language and spirit of the law of every nation and undertakes open and fair business activities to be a good corporate citizen of the world. The second principle is respect the culture and customs of every nation and contribute to economic and social development through corporate activities in their respective communities. The third principle is Dedicate our business to providing clean and safe products and to enhancing the quality of life everywhere through all of our activities. the forth principle is Create and develop advanced technologies and provide outstanding products and services that fulfill the needs of customers worldwide. The fifth principle is Foster a corporate culture that enhances both individual creativity and the value of teamwork, while honoring mutual trust and respect between labor and management. The sixth principle is pursue growth through harmony with the global community via innovative management. The last principle is Work with business partners in research and manufacture to achieve stable, long-term growth and mutual benefits, while keeping ourselves open to new partnerships. Toyotas has for Action Guidelines. The first guideline is take on the challenge of achieving zero emissions at all stages. The second guideline is Business partners are partners in creating a better environment, Cooperate with associated companies. The third guideline is As a member of society actively participate in social actions. The last guideline is toward better understanding actively disclose information and promote environmental awareness. The four basic policies are contribution toward a prosperous 21st century society, pursue all possible environmental technologies, develop a voluntary improvement plan, and build close and cooperative relationships with a wide spectrum of individuals and organizations

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Hamlet Act 5 Scene 5 Analysis Essay

Give me your pardon, sir. I’ve done you wrong. But pardon ’t, as you are a gentleman. †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ That I have shot mine arrow o’er the house And hurt my brother. Since Hamlet somehow knows this fencing fight is not only a simple competition between him and Laertes, Hamlet understands that why Laertes needs to fight with him, which because Hamlet killed Polonius, who is Laertes` father, by accidentally. â€Å"I here proclaim was madness.† In terms of anagorisis, Hamlet tells Laertes that the murder was not done by Hamlet`s consciousness, but rather by his madness. In addition, this is the first time in the whole play since Hamlet knows the truth from the ghost and he acts straight, Hamlet convince that he is mad and acts stupidly (killed Polonius) consequently. Hamlet hopes that Laertes can understand it is not Hamlet`s fault or guilty of killing Polonius and removes himself from the responsibility. â€Å"If’t be so, Hamlet is of the faction that is wronged.† In terms of metaphor/personification, Hamlet indicates that he is the victim of his mental illness so that he was controlled by it and killed Polonius. â€Å"His mad ness is poor Hamlet’s enemy.† In terms of personification/analogy, for Hamlet, he thinks he is not the one who should be blamed or punished rather his madness should be blamed as Hamlet`s enemy. â€Å"Let my disclaiming from a purposed evil Free me so far in your most generous thoughts That I have shot mine arrow o’er the house And hurt my brother.† In terms of analogy, Hamlet hints at Polonius` spying in Gertrude`s closet when Hamlet killed him by using â€Å"a purposed evil† and describes Polonius was accidental killed by him by using â€Å"I have shot mine arrow o’er the house And hurt my brother†, which â€Å"the house† means Gertrude`s closet. Originally, Hamlet thought the guy who hid behind the curtain was Claudius, and Hamlet promised that if Claudius has done something badly, he must kill Claudius. However, he did not know the guy behind the curtain was Polonius instead of Claudius. Plus his madness, he killed Polonius immediately by mistake, which it is the same as  shoots a narrow and accidentally hurts Laertes (because Polonius died). Overall, in this soliloquy, Hamlet basically apologizes for how he has hurt Laertes, but agrees to the fight anyway because he is using it as his reason to murder Claudius to get his revenge.